aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14


Im doing a guerilla grow down in aus the weather has been crap last few days I have 2 plants nearly ready to flower, 12 mid sized clones and a heap of seedlings starting late just some advice will post more pics and info when some people reply with questions and advice cheers
Just a pic of the 12 clones will upload some more pics of my mini greenhouse set up, my supercropping, lsting, topping and other plants ect just some advice and qustions, feel free to post about your grows on here aswell intreasted to see whats about :)



Well-Known Member
i dont know if your legal or not but putting all those plants in one spot all togather like that isnt a good idea, if your trying to be stealthy i would put them pretty far from each other scattered



Cheers mate. Were not legal I am going to scatter them just waiting to get some more supplies like more chicken wire and bigger pots


Well-Known Member
Im doing a guerilla grow down in aus the weather has been crap last few days I have 2 plants nearly ready to flower, 12 mid sized clones and a heap of seedlings starting late just some advice will post more pics and info when some people reply with questions and advice cheers
Just a pic of the 12 clones will upload some more pics of my mini greenhouse set up, my supercropping, lsting, topping and other plants ect just some advice and qustions, feel free to post about your grows on here aswell intreasted to see whats about :)
Nice to meet you, Griggzy.
How long is your growing season?
If I read you correctly you have 2 plants ready to flower but others are still at clone status...?

I'm a POM and I only ever spent 2 weeks in Aus (all in Sydney in January 1994)
but I have read a bit about Griffiths, Byron Nimby and the Tazzie Poppy fields.

Are you NSW, Victoria or SA ???


Hey dude im from tasmania and yeah we do have some pretty madd poppy feilds lol. I have 2 plants that are just starting to show sex so im guessing they will go into flowering around mid febuary I have 12 clones that are a couple months old there are starting to get big now and I have about 40 seedlings wich are about 1 week old and 6 fresh cut clones. I will be making 3 seperate plots one with my two big plants and my 12 bigger clones and the other 2 plots I will put 20 seedlings in each. I will be raising them in pots inside a greenhouse up until they get big enough to handle the weather down here. What sort of grow you got going dude?? Nice to meet you
I will post an update with pics soon


Is there anyone still following this thread I can post some updates but I theres no point if noone is following it lol?


Well-Known Member
what up bro , I think it looks ok , can ya flip the pics around b4 posting dude .
what strain is it ?


Well-Known Member
Hey mate, what's plan for these? guerilla?. do possums eat your plants over there?. plants are looking good, how many are you running? grow in gorse or hard places to get to bro. you should suss our a mean spot for the next season and grow out some quality sativas!, you have to since you're in aussie. :bigjoint:

Some panamas(4 days ago) from Cannabiogen I'm growing over the ditch :mrgreen:

And some Malawis from ace a week ago - an amazing plant, the best plant I've had vegging outdoors so far.


Well-Known Member
Yours are looking nice dude, I can't get any ones I have growing outdoors to grow right.

It must be the shitty Victorian weather.


The possums havent ate mine yet dude hoping they dont get to them lol. I have about 15 there all pretty late and I have about 40 seeslings about 4 weeks old there late getting in. But better late than never lol. My plants are also very hard to get to and there is a creek running near them so I have a good water supply. Theres snakes everywhere ive seen 5 just this week nearly stepped on one today. Check in at my grow if you want I think its called aussie guerilla grow 2013/14 or some shit haha


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, do you have any pics? can't be the weather cause your in aussie!, even the shittest weather is still algood. people grow at the bottom of the south island lol.
what are they doing anyways?

griggzy - damn snakes are a no deal for me, do they attack you much? yeah it's real late but it's still veg season for most plants.
how tall is your biggest plant? you should suss some netting for your next grow and do it proper - buy some Ace,Cannabiogen or mr nice(an aussie breeder) genetics
and start from october. any helicopters or spotter planes around your patch? if not just go full on sativa next season and get 20ft+ monsters! :mrgreen:

My Panamas and Malawis are probably close to 5 ft with a month of veg left. those last plants you posted looks like the really need to be out in the ground, I suppose you don't really have a possum problem over there, there's 70 million of the bastards over here

Are you guys having mild as weather lately? we're getting like march weather at the moment.


Yeah man were getting decent weather down here is sitting on 35º heat. Xxryder I live in tassie man way down south haha ofcourse u can grow some good choof just do your research about outdoor growing.
Yeah the snakes can attack and kill you the cunts down here are deadly and about 2m long haha scary fuckers! My 2 mothers are going in the ground as soon as I get the time the others only just got transplanted so ill wait for them to shoot off a bit. No choppers what so ever lucky to see a cop car where I am lol. And my 2 mothers are about 3 ft but my other clones are only bout 2ft.
I would fucking love to grow some huge sativas ive been trying to get onto some good seeds for next season.
What seedbanks would you reccomend dude?
Hey fellow grower would like to see more photo updates as the months go on and final harvest ! i have not read all of the thread but are these feminized seeds? i would recommend you buy from this seed bank seeds are pricy but def worth it! i had an awesome harvest last year but this year im growing with bag seeds so hopefully i get a good female rate :D have fun dude thats what its all about! GO AUSSIE AND NZ GROWERS!


Well-Known Member
All you get in new zealand is hobbits,possums and rabbits that fuck with your plants, snakes are scary as man.

What's the weather in Tasmania? when can you grow til? april?. very interested place to grow weed man and you're lucky there's no piggies snooping round.
3ft is algood man, you'll have a big enough supply for you and your mates. and these are the best seedbanks for properly preserved sativas. from Ace seeds I highly highly recommend Malawi,Panama and orient express.
from Cannabiogen I highly suggest destroyer,Pakistani Chitral kush and Taskenti(amazing hash production).

Man 35 degrees is high, at the moment our country is mild with end of march temperature/weather but it's primo veg weather mate because I don't even have to visit my spot because of the rain but there's a shit load of sun too, perfect. last year there was the biggest drought in a century and lots of peoples plant suffered, could have gone til end of may last season.

Ace and Cannabiogen are 2 hidden diamonds in the cannabis industry. lol if they went to the cannabis cup they would own it.

Kiwi and Aussie growers unite!


Passthatcheeb - will be posting updates every time I get some good pics and defiantly will post my harvest from my girls if they make it lol. My 2 mother plants were 2 clones off my mate who grew some chronic and monster plants. Then I cloned my mother plants. I also have bagseeds which I got off my other mate and he got them off a dealer that grew some of the best shit down south also and I got some off my mums boyfriend which are sativa doms (I think)when he grew his plants they were a vood few foot over my head and heavy yeilding too. Hoping I dont get too many males. I like to keep mine in pots untill they show sex but thats just me. I will keep that seedbank in mind ill check a few out and get some from a few different seedbanks.

Crazykiwi420 - I dont mind little snakes but these big fuckers that can kill you man they scare the shit out of me. I would sah we could probaly grow to june just have to see how cold it gets I also have a greenhouse for my seedlings and younger plants maybee even a couple big ones I have found a stealthy spot a fair bit away from my others. Its a very interesting place to grow. It natrually thrives here. Tasmania used to have some of the biggest hemp feilds around the world because of the quality soil down here.
Also very lucky to have not many cops around. They dont really give a fuck anyway I got caught by a local cop a few years ago with like 12 plants and he just told me to take them somewhere else and pretend to the person that made the complaint that he took them lmfao! Mind you he was a top cop aand I was always in his good books haha. Will check those seedbanks out too dude. 35º is pre hot we normally sitting around mid 20s. That sucks about the drought too man. i will check them strai s out also cheers bro