aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14


Well-Known Member
Yeah man Ace seeds is awesome, I'm sure they will have shorter flower sativas. Cannabiogen has nepal highland which is a pure sativa with a short flower too.


Yeah sweet bro.
Heres another update I will do my bigger plants this update and I will do my seedlings and clones in another.
Anway they are all looking nice some of the ones in pots have huge leaves compared to the ones in the ground. Just different genetics and shit tho. It will be interesting to see what they all come out like I have some sativa doms and some indica which is good to have variety.
Here they are .



I also did some staelth work out there today. I took the cover off the greenhouse so that its not visible. I put the seedlings and clones in the uncovered greenhouse and im going to start digging up the area inside it for a sea of green. I also took 4 more clones and put them into the small greenhouse made for cloning. I put it under trees so they dont get direct sun untill they start building up there root system, then I will put them with the others and take some more clones. Let me know what youse think of mh work.



Well-Known Member
Looking good man, are you going to transplant those big ones in the cages? looks like they need it. I reckon you should transplant those 4 bigger seedlings into the ground too so the get to a decent size.

You need to show us the top preflowers because the hairs appear there first. it's hard to see when you're new to growing.
DSC01390.jpg Panama just showing sex now, there should be a white,pink or purple coloured stigma coming out of the preflowers.


Well-Known Member
looks like a girl hard to tell from them pics though. The 3rd pic though it looks like a tear-drop shape in which the pistols will come out of if it is! otherwise its like a little ball shape. Easy to be confused though. Looking good mate!


Yeah man Its real hard to tell atm but I think of they were male they would be showing male sex well and truly by now. I will be transplanting all them into ground asap been pretty busy atm amd havent had time. The bigger ones need to go into ground aswell when I get a chance. There was a big storm the other night I have a feeling when I check them there not going to be looking too good. It was windy as fuck trees were ripped out of the ground and everything lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd say the males would be flowering by now, it's mid feb!. I guess seeds always take longer to show sex than clones.
Hope the plants are ok, hopefully the cages stopped them from being ripped out.

There's dwarf auto strain that don't veg whatsoever. Plants can be dwarfed from there roots being fried.
That just looks like a clone gone straight into flower.


Beleive it or not the little plant is atleast 4 months old from seed lol
I was thinking root damage aswell its fuckedup haha
Im heaps worried about my girls after a huge windstorm hit us lol have any of use experienced any storms?


Well-Known Member
My plant got boweld over mid veg. It bent in half and it just turned itself upwards towards the light. You can fix it easy if its not to bader damage.


I still havent been out there I have been so fucking busy I will go up on weekend and post updates hopefully there ok


Well-Known Member
My friends snapped at the main stem and he tied it up sideways (also helps so it's not to high for his fence) anyway it's one of the best recovery jobs I have seen the plant has made a full stretch back towards the light
and where it snapped it made new room for more leaves to get light, it's been about 3 weeks since he did it and the plant is loving it.

Don't over do it relax if its snapped a bit, still easily fixable :)


Went and checked on them today. There was minimal damage I lost about half my seedlings which isnt really a huge loss I thort I was going to loose alot more. Bigger plants are all fine apart from something eating them im guessing a wallaby or something, one plant got most its leaves eaten off which sucks but I was expecting alot worse damage.
Will upload some pics soon its being a dog and not loading them haha


Well-Known Member
Went and checked on them today. There was minimal damage I lost about half my seedlings which isnt really a huge loss I thort I was going to loose alot more. Bigger plants are all fine apart from something eating them im guessing a wallaby or something, one plant got most its leaves eaten off which sucks but I was expecting alot worse damage.
Will upload some pics soon its being a dog and not loading them haha
You need to tie the wire/netting to trees and branches for wallabies lol we get them here too but only the small ones but they are notorious for eating ganja plants.
Those ones that grow 1m high are harder to keep out.