Aussie outdoor soils


New Member
Hey guys
So I am pretty new to this, and was just wondering if anyone had advice on Aussie outdoor soils. I have mixed a blend of,
5kg of Yates blood and bone based fert
5L brunnings vermiculite
2kg of dynamic lifter organic plant food
30L baileys premium potting mix
30L sweet garden composted mulch.
500 worms
i will then let it sit for a month or so.
Will this produce a good soil for my future babies to grow in ?
Thank you for any advice


Well-Known Member
Hey mate , what part of oz do you hail from ? I'm from nswIv been experimenting with different soil mixes for a while now and the healthiest plants Iv grown have been with 40% manures (cow,sheep,chicken) , 20%premium potting soil,20% perlite,10% worm castings,and 10% vegetable compost.40% manures 9$ a 30l bag at local nurseryPerlite .. If your growing a few small plants buy at bunnings ,but of you need heeps buy a big bag at the nursery will save you heeps of money. I think you will find this soil mix Iv mentioned will grow some awsome plants and is cheap and easy to make , I should at that I start seeds in 75% potting mix and 25% perlite in a small disposable cup then transplant in to soil mix after about 2 weeks