Australian leading the way.


Active Member
I was posting on this forum last year talking about our indoor grows here in Oz. I pointed out that everyone I know gets over 1lb per plant dried and most people aim for 3lbs per indoor plant. I was called a liar basically with lots of cries of "thats impossible" and then the "yeah right dude, whatever you say" from the brain damaged tokers from the 1960's.
Since then it appears that some Aussies have got on here and done some grow journals showing just how these yields are more than possible.

Why is it that most people here just arnt aware of how things have progressed as they have here? Is it that Australia is ahead of the world? We are all about max yeild of minimum plants while alot of other countries look for min yeild off max plants?


Active Member
hey man fellow aussie grower seen many a 1lb plus plant ive always gone big over sog or other types of growing the laws here suit growing few plants but recently been thinking of giving the sog a go i agree the aussie way of growing huge plants works well but im not one of those fheads who says this is the way the only way and anyone who says otherwise is full of s.... there are countless ways of growing great smoke ,the basic principles of air nutrients light etc dont change just the way we go about giving these things to the plant. i wouldn't go as far as to say were way ahead of everyone else but im sure were equal with the best of them.


Well-Known Member
Would be good if you could point out some ozzy grow journals.. I know mine won't yield anywhere near a lb. You sure you don't mean an oz? I think its safe to say that every grower wants the maximum yield for their available conditions (space, light, budget etc) but I can imagine ozzy growers being concerned about the number of plants because of the cannabis laws (different in every state but generally the punishment is a lot harsher when theres more than 5 plants involved, also if grown in hydro rather than soil).


Active Member
Would be good if you could point out some ozzy grow journals.. I know mine won't yield anywhere near a lb. You sure you don't mean an oz?

I agree theres more than one way to skin a cat, however I found that most people just could not believe even 1lb was possible, and to even mention 3 lbs was just a sign you are talkin shit.

heres a thread with some of the knowall's laughin at anyone who said they could pull those numbers.