auto ak47 2nd grow pics!


I'm gonna try some of these out, just got my seeds last week. For now, I'm just putting three in my veg area, which has a fairly low amount of light. I have 2 105 watt CFL's, plus a bunch of other 40 watt fluorescents. I would put em upstairs under my 400 w hps, but I don't have room, and I'm jst looking to make seeds with this round. do you think a few good sized cfl's would be enough to get some seedy bud? Your plants look amazing, man. Hopefully I can get mine to look that great next round.
i dont have alot of experiance with cfls i did use them with my t5s tho for lower lighting in my firsrt bag seed run and they did help..imo they wud do fine....they do branch alot so just put a light over each top and u'd probly be fine...let us know how it goes!!


bongsmiliejust quick dried a small bud and toked it!! i currently have a sinus infection and 2 ear infections and head has been pounding for a week...and i completely forgot i had a head ache haha...good pain relief imo lol...more pics fisrt pic is my 3rd grow 3 started same day jan 6..2 big are confirmed female lil guy or girl unsure..and the sprout got transplated to pot as well..when i do power kush and lemon skunk i should do a journal...wut do u think:clap:



Well-Known Member
Hey JDM,

I'm about to start growing some of the lowlife auto AK47s but need to know how tall I can expect them to get. I've miscalculated the height of my grow room and will only have about 26" of feasible vertical space for them to grow. That's from the top of the pot to where I think the heat from the light will get to them.

Will this be enough you think for this strain?


Well-Known Member
good grow bubba , i'm currently growin the same. I did 12/12(had other plants in w it) from start and
it cut the yield down, but yours are definatly perfect
examples of a auto ak

keep up the good work

Overgrow the government