Auto AK47: Large Phenotype


Well-Known Member
I have been noticing more interest in the autoflowering plants. I have sucessfully grown a couple harvests of this strain and I have found that there is a fairly frequent genetic variant with the plants from AK47XLR2 from Lowlife.

I have grown these two plants in the excat same conditions, started at the same time. These are the only two grown in this crop. I usually grow 3-4 plants at a time and this is the second grow which the variant has shown. Odds seem pretty high. The smaller of the two is the approximate height of most of the plants I've grown to sexing. It is less branchy than most but the height is the factor.

Many people favor these plants because of the small height. This could obviously pose a problem to the cabinet growers and others with space restraints--the sole purpose of their purchasing a dwarf strain.

That being said, I love to grow these plants. The smoke will annihilate you and they start to smell like sweet lemon tea after a good cure. The large size was not a problem with only two plants but if I had 4 of that size, it would be a problem. The large one will be cut down a couple weeks after the small one, which will be done in a week or so. It didn't seem like the large one would produce any bud but has constantly started packing weight on since. The small one will be very dense bud but won't produce more than an ounce. I'm hoping for at least a couple out of the big girl.



Active Member
Very interesting. This will be my strain soon, mid may ill germ the seeds. Im growing the LR2 X AK 47 from Lowryder not Lowlife so I will definitely compare the grows. The attitude considers the strain I bought to be a very high yielding autoflower so I have my hopes up. Thanks for the great info!


Well-Known Member
WOW I'm slow... you've already found my journal on your own...AND you brought up the large phenotype to me already. I must be a little low in the mental horsepower department this morning...sorry


So the large guys grow in the same amount of time, and produce way more bud? I can't be the only one thinking that if there was an auto strain that would yield 2-3 ozs a plant and finish from seed to smoke in ~70 days then it would be an awesome strain. Hell, feminized would be even better.

Ok ramble over but since you're the resident go to guy for these autos you might have something to add


Well-Known Member
The big ones appear to happen every so often due to the cross with the ak47. Most of the plants will still be like the small one in the picture. But, if you plant more, then I suppose you have a greater chance of getting big girls.

I planted 21 total...hoping for ~10 females and hopefully at least a couple females will be the large phenotype. Too early into the grow to tell and this is my first attempt at an auto strain so that's all I know.

Seeds I ordered were from attitude. I got the lowlife ones.


Well-Known Member
Great info pointystick. Just to clear things up, these seeds were from Lowlife genetics. Lowryder offers their own Auto AK47 genetics as well, which I have not tried.
The small one in the picture above is pretty much finished and I will be chopping her down sometime next week. However, the big girl is just now starting to bulk up and will need at least another 2, if not 3 weeks to finish. So the optimism of having them finish at the same time with 3X as much bud is kind of shot. I am in no way complaining though. She is branchy as hell and is going to have a massive yield. I'm interested to see how she smokes in comparison.

I successfully seeded a branch from the small girl. I don't have the space to grow more than 2 of those large ones. And the bud from the smaller ones just seems more compact and resin coated. I prefer the traits of quicker finishing time and bud appearance from the smaller ones. Either way, they are fantastic plants. I'll make sure to post some pics of the beautiful nugs when they are dried.


Well-Known Member
There I was all excited, I guess I still am.

An extra couple weeks isn't a big deal at all. I would love a couple of big girls this time around.


Well-Known Member
start selectively breeding the larger pheno and then u will isolate it for futher generations. once u seed that plant about a 3rd of the progeny should have that pheno. keep breeding to that pheno a sooner or later ull have what u want

i picked up the lowryder dwarf mix and making some beans right now. some of the seedlings did a wierd mutation kind of thing. the leaves and nodes are all mutant looking


Well-Known Member
Hey Hulkster, I'll get that info to you, along with a bud shot, in the coming days. Pretty retarded I didn't post the height in a thread about size differences! I can't think of it off the top of my head.

Just out of curiosity, why do you all prefer the large phenotype? I would think that instead of attempting to replicate it you would just prefer to grow the real AK47. Maybe the ease of having a constant 18/6 or 20/4 light regime so that you can grow whenever you want to start some more? No biases, I just find it interesting. I grow these for there short, stout size. If I wanted a monster, I think I would get Serious Seeds AK and just go hog wild. Plus, you'd save some money on electrical bills when it came time to flower on 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Those are all really good points now that you mention it....

Guess I was just originally thinking that the large guy would be done in the same time frame and produce way more bud.

I read the posts the other day and realized the big ones take longer. Then I thought about it and realized another 3 weeks is time to get a normal non auto from seed to smoke plus all the benefits of having a lower power bill.

The auto's first attracted me because of two things

#1 mine should be done before july when it's way too hot to grow indoors in my poor apartment

#2 the girlfriend isn't exactly thrilled with my 'hobby' so she was happy to hear of a quick finishing strain so she could have the spare room was a nice compromise


Well-Known Member
From the dirt, the small one measured a whopping 16" (before I cut the top off). The large one measures just over 37", or a little over 3' tall. The description from Lowlife gives an average height of 14-24".

The pic is a freshly dried bud from the very top of the small one. The rest of that plant still has another week to go.


LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I have been noticing more interest in the autoflowering plants. I have sucessfully grown a couple harvests of this strain and I have found that there is a fairly frequent genetic variant with the plants from AK47XLR2 from Lowlife.

I have grown these two plants in the excat same conditions, started at the same time. These are the only two grown in this crop. I usually grow 3-4 plants at a time and this is the second grow which the variant has shown. Odds seem pretty high. The smaller of the two is the approximate height of most of the plants I've grown to sexing. It is less branchy than most but the height is the factor.

Many people favor these plants because of the small height. This could obviously pose a problem to the cabinet growers and others with space restraints--the sole purpose of their purchasing a dwarf strain.

That being said, I love to grow these plants. The smoke will annihilate you and they start to smell like sweet lemon tea after a good cure. The large size was not a problem with only two plants but if I had 4 of that size, it would be a problem. The large one will be cut down a couple weeks after the small one, which will be done in a week or so. It didn't seem like the large one would produce any bud but has constantly started packing weight on since. The small one will be very dense bud but won't produce more than an ounce. I'm hoping for at least a couple out of the big girl.

i got 2 lowryder #2 Growing right now.. and i got me a phenotype.. Looks jus like your big one it's 2-3 X bigger than my lil one ... jus wanna say nice plants man .. i love lowryders


Well-Known Member
I thought I'd post pics of some recent shots of my two girls. The little one was harvested several days ago and has just recently been jarred up. She had less than a 1/2 Oz on her. Very dense bud, just not very much of it. (See pic 3)

The large one is still chugging along (Pic 1). I'm going to say one more week and hopefully it will be finished. It's eating up a lot of its leaves which is fine by me; makes trimming easier. I'm hoping to get at least 2 Oz off of her, we'll see. I've been doing molasses and water for the past week now. The earliest I've taken a sample bud from her was two weeks ago. I like to sample along the way with new types to see what's going on. That sample has since been dried and smoked and boy, it took me through the roof. It's like speed. The best daytime, wake and bake stuff I've ever had. Not so great for trying to pass out, though. Makes my thoughts race and I can't get to sleep. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to smoke all day long then...:hump:

Since that cutting was uncured, early, and potent, I took another branch just now (a week later). It is the one pictured with the key (Pic 2). Just another tester. The rest of the plant will be left untouched until I'm sure she's ready to come down. There is a lot of foxtailing going on right now and the buds are getting much denser. She doesn't smell like the other Auto AK's I've done, more like a cherry/fruity smell compared to the pungent/turpentine smell of the others. We'll see what happens after a good cure.

All being said, I wish I had seeded a branch from this one instead of the others but I like the diversity in the genetics. I've got some WW in week 4 of veg right now (need me some indica) but I'll definitely be growing more of these when it's all said and done.

Happy growing!:spew:



Well-Known Member
Well, it's been two weeks since I last updated. This large pheno just won't stop growing. I think it must have more of the AK47 genetics over the LR2. The buds are hard and heavily foxtailing, throwing out new pistils every time I think it's finally done.

Trichome checking is really useless on this plant. It's just not a good indicator. You can find whatever you are looking for (clear/cloudy/amber) all over the plant, since it is constantly pushing out more calyxes. I'm just going by looks and it looks DONE. All of the fan leaves have been eaten away and now the sugar leaves are starting to turn yellow. I have been taking a branch here and there but easily half of the plant is left. I will chop the rest of it this Sunday. Pruning is a chore with this beast.

It has been an amazing yeilder. So far, I have harvested 1.5 Oz dried. That was from just the top half. I'm sure I'll get 3 Oz when all is said and done, plus all of the extra trim and popcorn that I will make butter with. The buds, however, are fluffy--massively fluffy, if that makes any sense. So my 1.5 Oz has filled up several jars already.

I feel bad because I'm sure I could let it go for another couple weeks if I wanted. But my WW have been in their first week of flower and they need the space now, plus, I hate having to pull so many dead/crispy leaves from the bud.

In closing, these plants were started on Feb. 16, 2009. Going by the breeder packs, they should have finished around April 27 (70 days). I'm coming up on almost 4 weeks after that and it could still go longer. The one that did finish quickly was a true dwarf and yeilded 3/8 Oz dried. I will post the final weight and some pics in a week or so when everything is cleaned up.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i think alot of ppl would be happy to see the AK pheno taking over, at least in terms of yield u'll do well there. :D
i really like lowlife beans, did an auto white russian, i had a few plants get tall.
anyway your plants are beauties, good luck with the curing process and happy tokin'