auto assassin at 1 week first grow


i know yh its gettin hotter and hotter just hope this years winter isnt as bad as the last 1 as ive got a motorbike and i seem to always fall off tryin to ride in it lol


Well-Known Member
I'll drop you a link where i just done a transplant from a pot like yours to a bigger pot, wont be for about an hour but will give you somthing to aim for size wise before transplanting, imo you got a few weeks in that size pot, people seem to be telling you to transplant a little early and this is just not a good idea.

As for weather it seems a few degrees cooler but its still 23 degrees inside where i live and turning the lights on was really hard to do tonight, seems to be holding at 25c so fingers crossed. Peace


Well-Known Member
You'll realise my plant is a substatial way on from yours when i repot, also this size plant has only ever been fertilized twice per seedling soil and size of pot. Two very light feeds as well, seedling soil will raise a plant with just plain water for three weeks good growth no problems, if your in any other soil than seedling soil you wont need ferts till the transplant most likely. Hope it helps. Peace


Well-Known Member
Looking better mate, growth is good. I just ordered my new ruck fan and fan controller with acoustic ducting, hopefully the end of my temp problems. Getting pissed off with the heat so ive gone for a 6inch high powered ruck for my budbox mini and fan controller to turn it down as this is way overkill. Next is the air cooled 400w hps and timer/contractor, another £300 of grow products!

Heat is going now slowly, got under 25c today for first time. Peace


yep same here we had rain yesterday and its alot cooler today ive got a pc fan hooked up at the mine most likly upgrade to a bigger fan when my plants grows up abit cant wait to smoke it tbh coz half the people that sell it round it mixed all sorts ov shit in with it last lot i got had cocaine all ova it to make it look like it had more cystals least this time i know what im smokeing lol


Well-Known Member
lol its probably not even cocaine, seen the coke the dealers sell round here, dosent even get you high most of the times. Seriously drugs went crap when gangs moved in and the hippies got edged out, no ones got no pride in their work no more its just a money thing. I get offered dental crap as coke or else it is mdma in desguise, most people bought the legal coke mcat and started selling that too.

Got out of drugs a long time ago and just enjoy the weed now. Arseholes jacked the price of rocky a few years ago so they could shift more skunk, £10 a gram what a rip unless your a dealer or grower.

Yer just ordered my ruck fan from greens, very good and said i could swap or refund if it was too powerfull and if the fan speed controller buzzed when on. Great customer service but at a cost.

I harvest one plant every week or so and plant a seedling at the same time, thinking of moving over to auto fems soon if this one i got is any decent when grown up. I thought Manchester was meant to be great for weed, dealers use to score from Manchester if our town was dry, said they pais the cash and were told to park up then half hour later some kid on a bike would cycle past and chuck some bars through the window, dealers said they were crapping themselves!lol! Suppose weed is crap everywhere now, thank god i grow my own. Peace


Well-Known Member
I think they just say its coke when really its glass dust or somthing, if you think its coke your gona wana smoke it dude, sounds well iffy to me. peace


well after paying £75 for a new hard drive im back with an update DSC01110.JPGDSC01117.JPG

and please can any1 tell me when i will need to transplant to a bigger pot thanks


Well-Known Member
Still not yet. Dont panic that pots plenty big enough for that size of plant, got a while to go yet dude and still wont need ferts either although in a week or two maybe might consider ferts. Peace


Well-Known Member
Yea I would definitely wait till they are sexed and flowering before starting on nutes and transplanting. Mine were in 3L containers and they did start showing signs of nute deficiency right around when they started flowering(purplish stems and light green old leaves) for me.


Well-Known Member
Yea I would definitely wait till they are sexed and flowering before starting on nutes and transplanting. Mine were in 3L containers and they did start showing signs of nute deficiency right around when they started flowering(purplish stems and light green old leaves) for me.
That sounds more like a heat problem!lol! Peace


Well-Known Member
Don't want to hijack the threaad but I thought so tooso I pulled two of the lightbulbs and turned the fan up. Ill have to check them again.


Well-Known Member
Yea I would definitely wait till they are sexed and flowering before starting on nutes and transplanting. Mine were in 3L containers and they did start showing signs of nute deficiency right around when they started flowering(purplish stems and light green old leaves) for me.
I freaking declared war on the colour purple, people say genetics, deficiency etc etc! All wrong in my opinion, i add ferts so def not deficiency, cal.mag helped some purpling dissapear and lime in my soil but what really cured my purple stems was reducing the heat from the lights, realised on some plants that the purple stems were more prominant near the lights. I hate the colour purple now and get very little of it, dont let people tell you its genetics cause it very rarelly is. Peace


Well-Known Member
Not bad, still looks a bit unhappy but seems like better growth. Dont be overwatering it, soil should dry every 4/5 days but perlite helps achieve this.

Weather is still warm here but weve had a fair few storms and plenty of rain, wind is never ending as usual but seems like its gona stay warm for a while yet. Peace


DSC01164.JPGadded anutha cfl today and here a few pics off my plant order a short stuff seed which shud be here soon DSC01162.JPG