Auto Blue Pyramid


Well-Known Member
So this is my first grow.

Im using a 600W HPS, in soil. Using Jake's Nutrients.

I have two of these girls, one is doing perfectly well, and shes always been stronger then her sister. The other one has always seemed stunted. About a week or less ago i did a water only feeding and checked the PH from the run off, was sitting arount 6.5. Im about 1.75 months into the grow. According to the specs for this plant with a 60-68day from germination to cultivation it should be ready to come off between Aug 1-8. The one plant looks perfect and the delayed one has curling leaves and the leaves have started to go brown. Is it possibly do to water stress from the flush i did with straight water about a week ago?

Here are the pics:

2013-07-25 14.24.45.jpg2013-07-25 14.25.06.jpg
2013-07-25 14.25.14.jpg
2013-07-25 14.24.37.jpg
You should flush that and feed with just water for a few days then slowly build nutes bak up looks like a deficiency to me and possibly over watered


Well-Known Member
Should I continue to water with my flowering nutes? Should I wait until the pot feels light?its still pretty heavy since that flush I did with straight water? Also should I just be giving her a cup a day or a good soaking again.. Could it be dry spots in the soil? I hvent really used a wetting agent.