auto blueberry pc grow harvest


Well-Known Member
Im growing this right now as my first grow. You said you switched to 12/12 on day 40, were there any signs of sex? Im at day 39 now and there are little white hairs everywhere so mine autoflowered correctly right?


Well-Known Member
Hey first off great grow man, I just ordered my PC case from mrgrowpro and Im gonna do a couple set ups of my own based off yours, and one other guy that is always posting on your stuff. 1 question though, How do you feel about having 2 plants in that space? Im rockin the 4 veg bulbs up top and bought my own y splitter to add 2 more to the actual case but I was planning on 2 plants... But it seems like everyone just does 1. Im guessing for obvious reasons im not understanding! any advice would be apriecated your grows are really coming together!!!
2 plants will work great with the 2 y splitter. so 4 23w lights would work

another auto to impress me :)
Good job on your plant bro; enjoy the hell out of your smoke,
thanks man. finished the last bit of this stuff a lil over a year ago. i harvested that in july of 09

VERY impressive for a PC CFL grow. What's next?
still have stuff growing in it. click my signiture link perpetual pc case

Im growing this right now as my first grow. You said you switched to 12/12 on day 40, were there any signs of sex? Im at day 39 now and there are little white hairs everywhere so mine autoflowered correctly right?
i had hairs all over it just nothing more. i started to see them around day 25. yours is not autoing. i would switch to 12/12. if it would have auto'd correctly it would have started flowering by day 30 at least

thanks for the comments guys