Auto Blueberry x AK47 in Soil/ 315W CFL


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
TokemonGo here again. So about a month ago, I tried this same grow setup as a 1st grow. Unfortunately, the plants got mold and I tried to cure it with a fungicide that ended up killing them :(
I'm back again, however, and ready to give it another try.

I have 3 plants going, with their pics below:
-Pink is on her 7th day. I'm a little concerned about how the edges of the leaves curl up. Anyone know what this may be due to?
-Yello appears like she may be the runt of the group and in on her 6th day.
-Blu is the baby of the bunch on her 5th day.

I feed them NovaFlora nutes weekly and have them under light 24/7. I'm too scared to turn the lights off since I'm gorwing them in the basement of a house in the midwest and temps are getting chilly.
Currently, temps in the cabinet are a steady 73 degrees and humidity has dropped down to 35% recently. It began @ 43%, which I was fine with, but it's dry down there, so I may have to get a better humidifer.

Welp, welp that's the just of it... all viewers, questions, comments, criticisms, and input is welcome. It's pretty much my first grow still, so everything's helpful along this experience. Hope you enjoy, because after this grow, I know I will... :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Well, it's not even quite week 2.

-Pink is 13 days, and looking much better, in reference to the previous leaf cupping. Although, I saw these balls @ the node and I think it may be a guy :( Hopefully I am wrong, which I'll blame on inexperience (lol).

-Yello is 12 days old and has caught up to blu (11 days) in terms of size. Both are looking quite nice I'd say...

-I'm really surprised @ the difference in size between Yello/Blu and Pink. Pink looks like is much more than 1-2 days older than the other two. It would be AMAZING if it's a lovely lady.

-Welp, I'm pretty stoned at the moment actually:eyesmoke: and feel like I'm rambling, so until next time my fellow tokers... may the haze be with u:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
sorry to say it my man but got yourself a male
"Pink you know I love you man, but since you're male, you must go in the can!" -TokemonGo

The other two haven't shown sex yet. Let's hope for pistils....
I'll wait another 2 days or so for them to show sex before I start tryin the germ the replacement for pink.


Well-Known Member
Sooo.... I checked the plants today and it looks like we have another male in our midst.... Dammmmm you Yello.
Blu is the only one that hasn't given me blue balls, lol.

I just germinated 2 seeds, so the cabinet will be full again soon. Hopefully, no dudes allowed:finger: lol

Anywho, a pic of the anti-goods are located below & I'll keep you all posted with the updates as I go along.

And nowwwww, time to smoke... :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
indeed another male shit man! sorry for all the bad luck!
I know, right? So far with this cab, I've accidentally killed two plants and once I rebounded, 2 out of the 3 are males.
It's all a learning experience though...

On a good note, Blu is for sure a female and the two new seedlings sprouted today...

I plan on posting some pics later on in the week, gotta run now tho...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
So here are the long overdue pics of Blu and HER pistils :) She's starting to fill out and get a little bushy. It'll probably be another 10 weeks before I smoke her... but I can already imagine, lol

There's a new Yello in town and an orange too for that matter. These are the 2 seeds replacing the last 2, which turned out to be males.

So there you are America... enjoy because I know I will, lol :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
So Blu is showing great growth right now and the seedlings are looking decent as well.

Blu is growing so well in fact, that it is time to raise the lights. The problem that I foresee occurring is that as I continue to adjust the lights for Blu the new plants will get the short end of the stick according the the inverse squared law.

Although I think they will grow fine, for optimal growth, it would've been nice to keep them all a standard distance away.

So next time around, I will be attempting to grow one set of three @ a time, unless I add some supplemental lighting somewhere down the line. The other thing that could help is planting feminized seeds. That way, it'd be less likely that I'd have to remove a plant as I did with the two previously occupying gentlemen, formerly known as Yello (1) and Pink.

Just thought I share this if any other newbie was browsing about. Update you all later...

- :bigjoint:monGo


Well-Known Member
So Blu is showing great growth right now and the seedlings are looking decent as well.

Blu is growing so well in fact, that it is time to raise the lights. The problem that I foresee occurring is that as I continue to adjust the lights for Blu the new plants will get the short end of the stick according the the inverse squared law.

Although I think they will grow fine, for optimal growth, it would've been nice to keep them all a standard distance away.

So next time around, I will be attempting to grow one set of three @ a time, unless I add some supplemental lighting somewhere down the line. The other thing that could help is planting feminized seeds. That way, it'd be less likely that I'd have to remove a plant as I did with the two previously occupying gentlemen, formerly known as Yello (1) and Pink.

Just thought I share this if any other newbie was browsing about. Update you all later...

- :bigjoint:monGo

They are good for something, lol. I'll just stack books under the little ones to raise them up as the lights move up and then we'll be great :)
This is probably a "well duh" moment, but I take proud in it for now, lol


Well-Known Member
cool keep us posted with some pics on how she is doin
So Blu has begun to flower :D
I plucked a couple of her bottom leaves today that were pretty much buried in the dirt and started yellowing.
On the downside, I discovered a few white spots on one of her leaves... only this one leave. Still though, it's a concern for a newb like me. Any ideas?

Yello looks like it's off to a good start. Orange seems to be a bit of a runt, but is actually showing steady (although slow) growth.

Pics are below... View and chime in...
As for me, just gotta quarter and it's time to try it out :bigjoint:
Til next time my RIU pals...



Well-Known Member
So I've been a pretty bad parent lately...
went away from break and the plants went for a 5 day period of no watering. They still look decent for the most part, aside from the neglect.

Blu is well into flowering. Concern though: I know bottom fans will begin to yellow @ some point, but I wouldn't think that plant is @ that stage, being just 4 wks of total growth. The other possibility I can think of is a nutrient deficiency, which would make sense since she's gone through a bit of a mini-drought. I'm leaning towards the latter. Let me knowwhat you think.
Also should I leave the "yellowed" leaves on, or prune them?

Speaking of Yello, she and Orange have been showing decent growth as well. Much better now that I've raised them closer to the lights. Crazy to think, in a little more than two weeks they'll be looking like Blu.

Welp... til next time:bigjoint:

**Edit 6 hrs later**
So I got antsy and went ahead and pruned the yellowing bottom fan leaves. I've read early flowering period isn't a bad time to prune anyway. Hopefully it'll result in better airflow and more energy being distributed to the nugs...

