Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
I know, right? I think I told you about my professor back at Devry..she had me teaching the computer class because she had no clue. Got me tons of respect from my classmates but put a bad taste in my mouth about the people they hire to lecture college classes. Pretty pathetic...

I left my damn vape charger at my daughter's house a couple weeks ago. The vapes do make it last so much longer! that's another reason I'm taking a break, I'm about to run out because my stinkin cousin hasn't gotten back to me yet.
Hell yea. It seems like every math teacher is that way. Don't question them or make them think, you will pay in the end for it. Every math teacher I have ever had hates me cause I always questioned their methods and made them attempt to explain why we need all this shit. Not one could do it.

This advanced class is being used as my capstone course so it is supposed to be a cover of everything we have already learned. I've just been setting up another virtual machine with server 08' and windows 7 to talk to each other and just adding things as I go. Mainly security though since its what I love to do. :P

But yea, even the battery on my vape last a good bit and it only holds .1, so that rocks. Its just a pain in the ass to get it to burn now. LoL. It does it, just not as well as it used to.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea. It seems like every math teacher is that way. Don't question them or make them think, you will pay in the end for it. Every math teacher I have ever had hates me cause I always questioned their methods and made them attempt to explain why we need all this shit. Not one could do it.

This advanced class is being used as my capstone course so it is supposed to be a cover of everything we have already learned. I've just been setting up another virtual machine with server 08' and windows 7 to talk to each other and just adding things as I go. Mainly security though since its what I love to do. :P

But yea, even the battery on my vape last a good bit and it only holds .1, so that rocks. Its just a pain in the ass to get it to burn now. LoL. It does it, just not as well as it used to.
You're just an insufferable smartass is why ;) J/K bro..naw not really...LMAO! :lol:

you've probably done wore that poor vape out, ya damn stoner! I sure have missed giving you hell bro..:D
Not yet. But soon, very soon. I'll have a nice chrismas that is for sure. LoL
I love his music. I know every song on that album. haha
I don't know any of them..just the one ;) LOL


Well-Known Member
You're just an insufferable smartass is why ;) J/K bro..naw not really...LMAO! :lol:

you've probably done wore that poor vape out, ya damn stoner! I sure have missed giving you hell bro..:D
I don't know any of them..just the one ;) LOL
I am, I really am. I cant help it, it just happens. LoL
Check this one out.