Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
You'll are talking about watching them gro. Well I look at my plant at least 3 times a day like its a newborn baby. I'm always wondering if its growing correctly. Well this weekend I went away for 3 days and when I came back I was amazed at how much it grew. I'm Gonna stop looking so much. So I'm more satisfied when I do look. Maybe it will stop me from being impatient and doing something to screw it up.BTW Thanx for all the advice SriGreen. I love any feedback. I have a couple friends that grow but I don't ask them. If I know they grow its too many ppl who know. I haven't told a soul! Not even my wife. I'm loving this too much!
I do that and probably more. :lol:
Its not bad to always want to check on them. It gets bad when you start wanting to show them more and more love and mess something up.. Always good to know about ppm and what you are giving them.. Most growers main problem is over loving their plants.


Funny you should mention ppm, because I just picked up a soil meter. B4 I was just testing the runoff with a liquid tester. I wanted to get something more accurate. The problem is that I really don't understand the ppm part. Also if your ph is to high or low, how do you add lime to a plant soil? This is the part that intimidates me a little. But my friend grows and he's an idiot so I'm sure I would respond well to any guidance.


Well-Known Member
Funny you should mention ppm, because I just picked up a soil meter. B4 I was just testing the runoff with a liquid tester. I wanted to get something more accurate. The problem is that I really don't understand the ppm part. Also if your ph is to high or low, how do you add lime to a plant soil? This is the part that intimidates me a little. But my friend grows and he's an idiot so I'm sure I would respond well to any guidance.
he's gone to bed :) Some sprinkle the lime on top and water, others mix it in water and add it that way. I think he uses pH up/down kit ;)

I'm sure he'll answer you when he gets back :)


Well-Known Member
Funny you should mention ppm, because I just picked up a soil meter. B4 I was just testing the runoff with a liquid tester. I wanted to get something more accurate. The problem is that I really don't understand the ppm part. Also if your ph is to high or low, how do you add lime to a plant soil? This is the part that intimidates me a little. But my friend grows and he's an idiot so I'm sure I would respond well to any guidance.
the meter is usually more accurate then the probe
in general probes suck ;)


Well-Known Member
Funny you should mention ppm, because I just picked up a soil meter. B4 I was just testing the runoff with a liquid tester. I wanted to get something more accurate. The problem is that I really don't understand the ppm part. Also if your ph is to high or low, how do you add lime to a plant soil? This is the part that intimidates me a little. But my friend grows and he's an idiot so I'm sure I would respond well to any guidance.
PPM. Parts per million. In a general sense it means to dilute.

Rosey was correct, I use ph-up/down for my water or when I use nutes, which is very rare for me. I usually grow with ph'd water and that is it. Whatever the soil has in it, is what my plants get.. I'll usually add a food with high (N) content during flower to keep things green instead of getting the yellowing that so many believe is natural during that process. (it isn't natural for leaves to just turn yellow and die) Green leaves = healthy plant.

Raising soil pH: (to make it more alkaline)
It is generally easier to make soil mixes more alkaline than it is to make them more acidic. The addition of dolomite lime, hardwood ash, bone meal, crushed marble, or crushed oyster shells will help to raise the soil pH."

Lowering soil pH: (to make it more acidic)
If your soil needs to be more acidic, sawdust, composted leaves, wood chips, cottonseed meal, leaf mold and especially peat moss, will lower the soil pH.

There isn't one fix for everything. Most of us experience some sort of deficiency at one point or another. It doesn't matter how long you have grown cause not all plants will react a certain way to your medium.

Hope this helps. :wink:


What's up guys. I got a quick question. My girls are 38 days ol today. Ak47 autos. I'm beginning to see what I believe are trichomes develope on the leaves near the bud sites. Should I start bloom nutes now? It also seems like my plat is growing slower. Hers a pic but not sure if you can see the frosty look in them


Well-Known Member
What's up guys. I got a quick question. My girls are 38 days ol today. Ak47 autos. I'm beginning to see what I believe are trichomes develope on the leaves near the bud sites. Should I start bloom nutes now? It also seems like my plat is growing slower. Hers a pic but not sure if you can see the frosty look in them
I see no pic. o_O


Well-Known Member
Like always there is an issue with my auto. :lol: I think its mainly light bleaching being the tops were only like 2" from the light for a few days. Prob some (N) def going on as well.
Oh well. Here are some pics.
DSCN4033.jpg DSCN3997.jpg DSCN4005.jpg

Pollinated top.. Gonna hit it again in a few days. DSCN4059.jpg

JDP. wink: DSCN4025.jpg