Auto Daiquiri Lime: Leaves drooping, can't find a reason...


New Member
Hi, fellow growers!

So, I'm growing indoors, in a small growbox (secret jardin dp90, 90x60x90 cm.), and this is my first grow
in coco, and my second grow altogether. I'm using 60/40 coco/perlite mix, approximately 3 liters fabric pots.
Using 200 Watts LED full-spectrum lights for both grow and bloom.

I've planted two autos in coco on the same day, Auto Daiquiri Lime and Auto Blow Dream.
They were planted on 7th of July, so they are 19 days old now.
I'm using GHE FloraCoco Grow and FloraCoco Bloom nutrients, been feeding them once a day lately, I water them till I get around 10-20 percent run off. My water PH is 5.8, and I've been gradually increasing EC, right now I'm at 1.4 EC.

Everything'd been great till a couple of days ago, when I noticed that Daiquiri Lime's leaves are drooping. I hear that usually your first guess here should be overwatering. But according to what I've read so far, it's almost impossible to overwater in coco/perlite mix, and I don't even let run off stay in the tray after watering (maybe I should?).

What I think might be important is that we've been having here lots of thunderstorms every day for the last week, and humidity outside is staying around 70-90% everyday, and in my growbox when the lights are off I'm getting around 70-75%, and 60-70 when the lights are on. Plus the temperature is rather high as well -- outside temperature stays around 27 C despite the rains, and in my box I'm having minimum 27C with lights on, and 25-26 when the lights are off.

So, I was thinking it might be high temp + humidity that caused Daiquiri to droop. But, on the other hand, why it does not affect the other plant then?

I'm attaching pics of both of the plants side by side, and a close up of Daiquiri.

Please, if you could help me, I'd appreciate very much any advice and tips.


And when the lights turn on, and humidity drops to around 65, she looks a lil bit better (sorry for LED lights on the pic, but here it should not be relevant, I hope):