auto-flower fieldtrips

Here's how she looks this morning, along with a pic of her setting

Don't try to play where's waldo here, she's up closer to that ridge you can't see it in this photo it's just for setting.

Here she is.
As you can see the blue/purple hasn't showed up despite the cold nights. Was kind of hoping for that. That's a 2.5 gallon pot sitting down in a hole. She's not as stealth as she used to be as that main cola is sticking right up about 10" above the surrounding veg. But I really don't think anyone but deer are ever out here.

We'll see how it comes out probably next week, but I'm thinking it's viable and next year maybe I'll do a group of these this way. I'd time things just a little later and maybe make a little cellophane greenhouse dome with thorny canes.There's a fair amount of random plastic junk that blows off the farm on the ridge so I think that could go unnoticed too even if someone walked up here.
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