Auto Flower Germination Problem Please Help! New grower!

I got my autoflower seeds a few days ago and decided to germinate them. I think i overwet a paper towel and put them in there. after 12 hours i checked. nothing. 24 still nothing and decided to take one out. I get a square of paper towel, wet it and put it in the middle and did the same to cover it? what am i doing wrong!!!!!???I have it in a dark room right over the warm air vent.


Well-Known Member
yeah just make sure the papertowel is just damp, not drenched, keep it in a dark but warm place, even inside a ziplock baggie wouldnt hurt to much..check it in like 48 hours from when u started the germ process..sometimes it takes a good 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
Yer i didnt like the paper towel method, i use peat pots or jiffy cubes. I always overwatered my paper towel, even when seeds popped they seemed to reseal themselves and not grow. Sucks but i would put it down to too much water or not enough heat. Use jiffy pots instead, soak em in water for 5 mins, pop seed in and cover. Leave in a warm place for few days and job done, rewet the jiffy/peat cube if it get almost bone dry but not before.

Overwatering kills most seedlings imo. Peace


Well-Known Member
And since were talking germination seedlings need seedling soil not potting soil or anything that will be too strong for the little fella. Even putting the seedling in seedling soil with a little perlite will do it, water it once a little and the soil should keep it moist for 4/5 days or longer, should be enough time to germinate, also seedlings need small pots. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Best possible way, and my personal favorite is, the shotglass method. It works pretty much everytime. IMO lolol