Auto-Flower Solo cup contest - RULES - **PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE ENTERING**


solo cup contest rules:
1. ONLY winners need to provide information to receive their prize. Anyone can enter just leave a message on this thread or PM me personally. i will be confirming with everyone who is entering as we get closer to the contest. info will NOT be kept orfiled.

2. Entries should use a Solo (usually red or blue) cup. they are 16oz cups. I have also decided that people may use a different container AS LONG as it says on the container that it is 16oz. you cannot just use anything and say its 16oz, it must be proven to be 16oz if its not a solo. otherwise we would have know way of knowing, but some people cannot find solo cups easily as others can. any container usually the product information will clearly state how many oz's the can is. hope this helps some people

3. You may poke holes in the bottom of your cup but NO other modificationwill be allowed. ONLY HOLES. (do not remove the entire bottom)

4. You may use WHATEVER medium you like. dirt, coco, perlite...whatever youwant it does not matter as long as it doesnt modify the cup in any way. i have been getting the question about hydro alot. Yes, you may grow it hydro, i do not care, as long as the roots are contained within the cup. go for it! be creative

5. seeds or cuttings can be used in this contest, it does not matter, wewill all start roughly the same week. After that start within 3 weeks we willswitch to flower. ( 2-3 week veg time) i understand some people dont clone or cant cloen autos, but im leaving this rule in case someone has no other way of entering besides taking a clone, it IS ok for them to do this. hope it helps someone.

6. 1 solo cup per plant...The roots must be contained within the cup( I.e. No letting rootsgrow from cup to another medium of any sort). Any medium or methods are allowed. every contestant may have 2 entries. so if they want to enter in the outdoor category and the indoor category that would be OK. you can start multiple cups i dont care but by august 4th or so you must choose ONLY 2 to enter and mark them accordingly clearly so we can see.

7. Be creative!

8. Total Flower time will be decided by strain of course. So there will be no end date.

9. You must update on the contest thread at least once every 2 weeks, and there has to be at least a few pictures so members can vote, i would prefer one at seedling stage, one somewhere halfway and then the plant at the end of its lifecycle, you can have as many pics as you’d like and we encourage, however not everyone has access to these sort of things so it will not be a strict requirement, but a picture or two WILL be necessary. I have decided as long as we can a decent post update once every 2 weeks and a pic or two for the seedling, veg, mid way and final stage that is all is required. but remember, the more pics you have and info you include will be us as judges and members who vote on you more info to make a better educated decision on your entry. if you dotn include any info about your entry and no good pictures, how would someone vote for you? you could have the most beautiful plant in the world but without pictures how can we see? so dont be scared to post post post! but please make sure its relevant info and pictures! thanks!

10. You may start a few cups if youd like and then when we switch to floweryou must choose only one, the one that will be in the contest, but we will give veg time to decide which one you want to use (if you choose to have more than 1. But one is also just fine)

11. There will be several judges, they will decide the winner of the category contests. There will also be a overall best contest that will be voted upon by all other members. Every member has 1 vote. Whether they are in the contest or not, doensnt matter.

12. if i missed any other rules or regulations they are subject to be put here, and if anyone has a suggestion to make the contest run smoother in general feel free to personally PM me and let me know, i will answer as soon as I see it.


MONDAY, JULY 29th, 2013 --- 7/29/2013!!! <<<<<<<<<---START DATE

contest categories and how they will be decided:

best indoor auto solo cup - decided by members of RIU
best outdoor auto solo cup - decided by members of RIU
best sativa auto solo - decided by judges of the compeition
best indica auto solo - decided by judgest of the competition
best overall auto solo cup - decided by members of RIU!
best yielding auto solo - the growers will decide this of course!

Now, for prizes...we are still trying to figure out ALL of the category prizes, and i want some of it to be a surprise for the winner at the end of the contest (mostly the grand prize winner, but everyone may receive bonus' and freebies if they are an honorable mention!)

but anyways : The Grand Prize of the Auto-flower solo cup contest will be : 50 dollar 'gift card' for the grand prize winner to be spent AT THEIR CHOICE OF BUSINESS. They can get things like: seeds from a seedbank if theyd like. I also have no problem getting them their choice of 50 dollars worth of equipment at ANY garden store or hydro shop that accepts gift cards or at last credit card transactions. Please be aware of picking a place when you do that I WILL be able to get you your prize! The grand prize winner will also receive a bottle of THEIR choice of nutrients or nutrient solution/additive. there will be about 30-40 dollar limit on this, but they can get one nice bottle of nutrients of their choice. i will also as i said be giving out a surprise gift for winning the grand prize and for participating! i am going to keep this secret til toward the end for some incentive

Now, for the category winners that will be judged by mods that were selected by me and a special member judge TEKDC911
the prizes for the best outdoor and indoor category as well as the best sativa and best indica auto solo cup: A nice pipe chosen by either me or our special friend dankshizzle may be donating some beautiful hand made pipes by him. I will make sure they are beautiful pipes, as time goes i WILL post pics of what the pipes look like and as long as we dont have fights on choosing i will let the winners PICK the pipe they want, i am hoping to have a selection of about 10 or so pipes to choose from, all withing the 20-40 dollar range.

There is one more category after this, this is the 'highest yielding' category, the winner of this category will receive a 25 dollar gift card to their choice of store ( again the same guidelines apply for the overall winner ) The highest yield winner will also win a beautiful pipe out of the same stock for the other category winners. the winner for this category will also be receiving a surprise gift for winning this category as well as the overall winner will. the over-all prize will obviously be better than the highest yield prize, but it will still be a great prize, i promise!




Hey guys, I apologize for being a little absent latley. I was on vacation from the 1st to the 9th and have just gotten back today. When I got home I was very disapointed to learn I had a virus on my computer. It kept me from doing ANYTHING at all on my computer, let alone accessing my internet connection. However, A good friend of mine came over today and fixed me all up and my computer is now up and running ALL GOOD. I just want to let everyone know a few things to all the late entries and stuff like that....I have NO PROBLEM with people entering late, IT IS OK!! however there are a few things I need you ALL to do. First off. Please go to the autoflower sub forum (the same as this thread is in) and read the AUTOFLOWER SOLO CUP CONTEST RULES AND GUIDELINES. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to post them here OR PM me personally and I will get to them ASAP. Since i was out of commision since early last week there are probably around 20-30 questions I have NOT answered. PLEASE rest assured that I WILL GET TO YOUR QUESTION HERE ON THIS THREAD. I am a very busy person and with basically just me manning this entire thing it will take me a little while to get to your question but please be patient and know that I WILL GET TO IT. If for some reason i do miss it, please dont hesitate to PM me and re-ask your question, I will not be offended. I am only one dude and I miss shit, I make mistakes and I may miss one or two but please know that I WILL be going back to around the 1st of august and reading each and every post on this thread and answering ALL of the questions and concerns that anyone has. The contest technically started on 7/29 but i have let some late entries in. However I will be closing registration for this contest within 72 hours of this post (3days)...We have ALOT of entries and while im not sure of the total number right now I will be going back and checking each and every person who said they wanted to enter and i will be messaging you for confirmation of your entry. If you receive this PM from me and do not reply YOU WILL NOT BE ON THE ENTRY LIST. PLEASE BE VIGILANT OF MY PM WHEN YOU DO RECEIVE IT AND ANSWER PROMPTLY...IT MAY TAKE ME A FEW DAYS TO GET TO EVERYONE AND PM ALL OF YOU BUT PLEASE KNOW THAT I WILL BE MESSAGING EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT SAID THEY ENTERED. if you do not receive a PM from me asking for your confirmation BEFORE AUGUST 21 2013 please do not be offended as I may have made a mistake and missed you. Please feel free to message me and let me know of my mistake and we WILL get it sorted I PROMISE. I want to welcome EVERYONE who is entering and I hope we can make this contest awesome for us all (including people watching)

Again for all new entrants please go back and read the STICKY that is THE AUTOFLOWER SOLO CUP CONTEST RULES AND GUIDELINES. this will give you a basic idea of what we are doing here and the type of show we are going to run. I want this to run as smoothly as possible and I really hope it does but as with anything there will be hiccups along the way, all I ask is you please be patient with me and remember that me and ALL OF THE JUDGES DO THIS STUFF OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF OUR HEARTS AND NOTHING MORE. ALL I CARE ABOUT IS EVERYONE HAS A FUN TIME AND MAYBE MAKE SOME FRIENDS ALONG THE WAY!

Now, there are probably things that I missed that I wanted to say and didnt so please check this thread periodically to make sure you get most of the messages I put out there because in the end it will just make it easier for ALL OF US.

AS FAR AS POSTING PICTURES AND INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ENTRIES: we dont need a huge journal and 100s of pictures. a few short lines about what your growing and how your doing it will suffice. 1 or 2 pics every few weeks is MORE than enough from everyone. Just be sure to have clear pictures of your entries so that in the end the judges AND the members of RIU can make a good, clear, concise decision on the winners of the contest. im not going to restrict how much pics or info you give as that would not be pro-active to what we are doing here...feel free to include as many pics as you want and as much info that you want. All I ask is that you please update us at least one time every 2-3 weeks so we can at least see your entry in the seedling stage, the veg stage, final flower stage and end. that is all...if you post 4 pictures with the name of the strain that is MORE THAN ENOUGH to be judged on. without this info judges and members will not be able to make a good choice on your entry so please remember that. I hope i answered alot of questions with this post but I WILL be going back and answering individual questions here as time allows me to do so. I will also be posting this exact post a few times on this thread over the next few days that way all the members and entries will be able to read this post and hopefully understand what the hell is going on here. I know its a long thread and I know it can get confusing but i will really do my absolute best to make sure no one is left in the dark, please bare with me


if you have any questions PM me personally and i will handle it

*thank sunni for coming up with this idea. otherwise you assholes would be reading thrugh 20 page thread for rules :)


i have decided to open this thread for any questions and concerns any might have, just post here, the other thread or pm me, thanks guys.

edit: klsngsdkjlndkjnj


Well-Known Member
gonna pop a few in some busy threads linked to the other contest one. so new growers can sign up.


what up all so no questions? that is great if so! but dont be scared to ask! just post here or PM me thanks!


Active Member
im week 4 into my auto BM twing rows but there in 10l pots so thats be out of theis contest, plus my 125cfl setup wouldnt stand a chance against bigget gorw rooms as ive seen. but good luck to all enterances.


if you have some more auto seeds your more than welcome to start them now, its not a probem just send me a PM if u want to join in . later
Staring at my auto seed inventory. So many choices.

One quick question. I asked it on the other thread about this contest but don't know if I got an answer. Can we drill holes in other places in the cup, other than the bottom of the cup?


yes pax, you can drill holes anywhere you want and as many as you want as long the the bottom isnt entireley removed from the cup. however you want to do it bro


Active Member
if you have some more auto seeds your more than welcome to start them now, its not a probem just send me a PM if u want to join in . later
ive 1 auto bm left but only have room to grow 2 at a time. anything more would be impossible. plus im risking it just with my current teing rows. due to having a major ceiling replacement repair being done. but il keep a loo out for future contests like this as they seem fun. soon as ive got my ceiling torn down an rebuilt then ive a few kaia kushes to play with as my first regular grows. so yup il try an be ready for when the next one rolls on by.


New Member
hey I'd like to partake, couldn't find the pm button so im guessing I have to add you as a friend? I've sent you a request.. got a few questions I'd like to ask :)


Well-Known Member
aknight is going to be working all day. and may be on tonight. I will see if any of the judges are on right now and see if they can answer any questions for you


Well-Known Member
to send a PM you click the name of the user and send message. :) I just send a PM to a judge of the contest and they should be with you shortly if they are not too busy themselves. You can look to see if any judges are online by scrolling up locate the button for "quick links" go to Who's online and look for ANY of these names to have a green dot saying online. SEND PM is a button listed near some of their names. Aknight3, sunni, greatwhitenorth, tekdc911, potpimp. and finally SOMEBEECH. any one or more of them can answer any questions you may have. though aknight is the guy RUNNING the contest and you may be told to wait for him