Auto-Flowering Strains and Light


So I'm curious, according to Wikipedia:
Day-neutral plants

Day-neutral plants, such as cucumbers, roses and tomatoes, do not initiate flowering based on photoperiodism at all; they flower regardless of the night length. They may initiate flowering after attaining a certain overall developmental stage or age, or in response to alternative environmental stimuli, such as vernalization (a period of low temperature), rather than in response to photoperiod.

In response to that I wanted to know you're thoughts.For instance, if certain Auto-Flowering strains of marijuana could have the lights left on 24/7. And if so what temperatures or environmental changes would be necessary for "Auto-Flowering" to be induced.

Should be a decent discussion



New Member
Ruderalis cannabis is like sativa/indica. On it's own it's basically autoflowering hemp [flowers on age]

Autoflowering strains have ruderalis in them, so they flower after they been alive for a certain amount of time, not going on the light cycle. Lowryder is a perfect example of a strain that can flower under 24 hours of light, although it's best to have an 18/6 cycle all the way through seedling/veg and flowering of auto plants.


Awesome. I'll keep that in mind. Does the hemp in the plants effect the taste, scent or bud density? And, does it require special nutrients that are different from standard nutrients?


New Member
Awesome. I'll keep that in mind. Does the hemp in the plants effect the taste, scent or bud density? And, does it require special nutrients that are different from standard nutrients?
No, it only really passes on it's autoflowering traight. THe other plants used in the cross will always be the normal sativa/indica cannabis varaities, and the flavour, smell and potency will come from them.

Nutes arnt really as important as with normal strains, but a small amount of ferts in the water can help bud development once you get into flowering.

You also cant really top the plants, or take clones. They flower so quick theres no real need.

THey're generally pretty easy to grow and hardy plants, but smaller yeilds. Excellent for SOG and for harvesting many times year round - you could probably grow them in the winter as alot of autoflowering plants are hardy enough to take the shit you throw at them [as long as you wipe it off afterwards hahahahaha]

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
A couple of years ago I grew an outdoor plant of a cross I made using Sensi Skunk. Well.....seems the Dronkers played some games with Rudy and come about April on the 6th node it showed female, a couple of months BEFORE the summer solstice. I finished it out with 25 oz of excellent, potent sativa bud both in the phenotype and high. I topped it to 4 main colas which became really thick, like 6" in diameter, typical airy sativa bud structure, no indica genes were expressed.

Your mileage may vary.



Neat! If only I had that kind of I only recently found out that I qualify for a Medical Marijuana card with my Ulcerative Colitis and Chron's Disease. So I'll be moving to a state that offers medical marijuana, where I hope to do some serious experimentation. And eventually Caner research. It definitely seems like Auto-Flowering plants would be the way to go for tests as they flower so quickly. Thanks for the info guys.


New Member
Well, with the shortest growing period being just 9 weeks from seed to harvest you'd be sorted for nice quick flowering plants.