Auto-Flowering strains


Well-Known Member
I can't seem to find any real feedback as to the quality of auto-flowering strains along with the yield?

Are they reliable? if they were so good, why arn't more people growing with them?

If there is a good auto-flowering strain, what is it?



Well-Known Member
hey dude

iv'e kind of done some recent research on the yield -all on this forum- the best I found was bout 3 oz p/plant, then it went down from there, the most common yield off of one plant being like 2 oz..

anyone can help out here cuz Im not too sure


Well-Known Member
depends on the strain of auto and what chu put it under I'd say any whould be a few grams from minimul flouros too 3 oz with primo hids but I'd say the high and taste is worth it, you won't be saying "damn thats the best smoke i've had" but you will be satified not only with the potency but the SPEED thats the key word with autos. if u dont want a moth er plant or even a veg room these little fucks are a good choice for u, i've grown a variety of these and i suggest either lowryder 2 or diesel ryder, both i've had good success with


Well-Known Member
most yield 1-2 oz per one plant per sq ft in a 4 x 4 grow cab thats 16-32 oz plus trim every 10 weeks...32-64 oz every 20 many non autos can you get in a 4x4 grow cab? much will the harvest be?how often will the harvest be?

the potency of most autos are right up there with their non auto namesakes...blueberry ryder and diesel ryder are up will be auto ak-47

if you sprout a breeders pack of beans and cull the males when they finally show sex during pre-flower you can fill the leftover space with autos and harvest pretty close to the rest of the crop

more people are starting to accept them and work them in their grows...the taste and potency are there...w99


Well-Known Member
Thanks pacman. Yeah at the moment I don't have the room for a veg/bloom room, but am currently looking for another house so i'll look into diesel ryder auto-flower along with ak-47 for room when I get it or bubbelicious


Well-Known Member
Auto flowering plants are nothing compared to the real thing the seeds are the same price it is beond me why someone would want to grow a auto flowering plant when the flowering time is 8 week if you are growing right there is no need for these you self a favour mate buy your self a packet of ak47 the real thing you will get more weight of 1 brance than the whole plant.if you get 3 ounce of an auto i be very supprised i had just over 1 ounce per plant.the only way to re generate the plants are to make them go hermie madness nothing more than a breeders way of makeing a extra cashin.these plants sound the buiss but belive me nothing is further from the truth.the weed is not has strong has it's bigger counterpart pure waste of time money and effort not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
well I'll have to see for myself if it aint worth my time and risk. Has anyone ever tried growing these babies hydroponically as well as Co2 added to the conditions?


Well-Known Member
nah man i am growing the lowryder auto flowering white russian. such an easy plant to grow can take so much stress and still put out about an once easly. took a few extra days to germ but man once they did this bitch grow like 1-3 inches a day till about 12-15" at the attitude they give it a 7/10 on potentcy. man its dank. i think its just as strong if not stronger than the origanl white russian. says ready in 10 weeks.. not in hydro more like 7


Well-Known Member
nah man i am growing the lowryder auto flowering white russian. such an easy plant to grow can take so much stress and still put out about an once easly. took a few extra days to germ but man once they did this bitch grow like 1-3 inches a day till about 12-15" at the attitude they give it a 7/10 on potentcy. man its dank. i think its just as strong if not stronger than the origanl white russian. says ready in 10 weeks.. not in hydro more like 7

oh ya by the way white russian is a excellent cross between white widow x ak47= dank dank danky dank lol:weed: