Auto Flowering


Well-Known Member
Gonna try grow some of the auto-flowering seeds. Any info on the lighting cycle of those seeds growth/flowering or is it the same as normal seeds?:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Auto's dont require changing the light cycle. Some people grow at 12/12, 18/6, or 24/0. There are several grow journals here at rollitup, you should check them out.


Well-Known Member
they will flower under whatever cycle you put them on.

18/6 is good, you can do 20/4 or 24/0 but its not really needed, it will just be a waste of power.


Well-Known Member
yes whatever you do do not do a 12 12 yield will suffer im doin diesel ryder now two four weeks and two three weeks old also have two males from ten beans males I plan to get pollen from I have ten ak47 x diesel waiting to use females from that batch my first seed run. In my first flush of first flower of first grow as well I think I like this game.

1. dont transplant once if needed they dont like
2. treat as sedling first two weeks then feed flower food
3. start at about one fifth strenth food from beginning every other watering
4. only go up to one half strenth at max
5. does not like strong feedings
6. likes light has a lot to do with final yield
7. likes root stimulater
8. likes deep pots have a v ery long tap root dont need wide pot but deep
9. dont start in four inc use a deep drink cup like white castle and ones give you in disney
luckto you im out


Well-Known Member
yes whatever you do do not do a 12 12 yield will suffer im doin diesel ryder now two four weeks and two three weeks old also have two males from ten beans males I plan to get pollen from I have ten ak47 x diesel waiting to use females from that batch my first seed run. In my first flush of first flower of first grow as well I think I like this game.

1. dont transplant once if needed they dont like
2. treat as sedling first two weeks then feed flower food
3. start at about one fifth strenth food from beginning every other watering
4. only go up to one half strenth at max
5. does not like strong feedings
6. likes light has a lot to do with final yield
7. likes root stimulater
8. likes deep pots have a v ery long tap root dont need wide pot but deep
9. dont start in four inc use a deep drink cup like white castle and ones give you in disney
luckto you im out
OK! So i can use the growth lights during the whole grow,dont need to change to flowering lights:joint: Sounds Good!