.....an idea, but
it would probably require an exception to one of the rules, or be submitted as an...... QUOTE]
Well, to me, any form of exception is simply opening a big can of worms. Usually "exceptions" generate problems because if you make an exception for one, you really need to for another, after awhile the rules mean nothing and things fall apart or degrade.
I tried to make the rules so that anyone could express some artistic creativity in the game. While needing an objective to actually have some resemblence of a competition, I tried to leave them as open as possible.
However, if there is something about them that crimps your growing objective I really would like to hear it. I don't want to do any exceptions, but
DEFINATELY not against making a rule change for the next round to allow more freedom in the grows.
(and maybe it is within the rules? - what is it?) Remember, "fold, spindle, mutilate any way you want"?
Marcus kind of hinted at a issue in a prior post, didn't come right out and say it, more of a hint. And it's actually a rule that I didn't feel comfortable with anyways.
This is running 12 weeks. If you take the early start into consideration it's 13.
Since this is not about growing buds (or shouldn't be) plants really don't need to be finished as in harvesting flower.
I'm having a hard time justifying any reason why this should be limited to just AFs.
Not all, but many photoperiods are capable of being competative in this time period. I'd like to get some input on the idea of simply dropping the AF requirment completely next round and open it up to everyone and their preferred style.
anyone has any ideas about this (either competator or someone thinking of it) I'm all ears. Let me know.

(PMs are fine)
Anything that can make this bigger and better I'm all for.