"Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

Hey Hempstead how do you get you pictures like that, with the black background? Is it photoshop or something...
That is my grow tent I just cropped out parts. I saw the way subcool does his with a purple tapestry in the background so I do the same but with black. Plus I used a zoom lens and a macro lens on a dslr camera. How does it look?
Here is a pic zoomed out so you can see the corner of the tent.View attachment 1457503
That is my grow tent I just cropped out parts. I saw the way subcool does his with a purple tapestry in the background so I do the same but with black. Plus I used a zoom lens and a macro lens on a dslr camera. How does it look?
Here is a pic zoomed out so you can see the corner of the tent.View attachment 1457503

Dude! That's really cool. To me it looks like it's done with some sort of program, your way is cooler though. I think I'm going to have a new avatar soon ;)
Try back lighting with a CFL (65-556K) down low behind the pot. Move it close / further back to hightight different ways. Good fun. Fill flash can add tons too. Especially off camera. Back in the days of film....
Brings out some dramatics. ;-)
What is this "film" stuff you speak of? :confused:

LOL,,, makin me feel olde again.

Last night I heard a new one on American Idol,,, One of the contestants declaired she's never heard a Beatle song!!!! But, she loved the "Sargent Pepper's Band" (?).

I'm old! (Ugh!)
Heh. I feel ya man. The Beatles were before my time, but I know who they were. I actually have 4 or 5 of their albums on vinyl.
I can't wait to get on the next one of these...I'm going to grow White Russian or Afhgan Hindu Kush I think.

Your not alone, I may of found my new favourt auto Maxi GOM,

The Beatles eh? only down the road from liverpool, Lucy in the sky of diamonds! la la de da la
Your not alone, I may of found my new favourt auto Maxi GOM,

The Beatles eh? only down the road from liverpool, Lucy in the sky of diamonds! la la de da la

Hey Jude! (LOL) One of these days I'm going to get my butt back to London.

Should there be a sign-up for a next one posted?
If there is another, I'd like in myself. Just have reservations about playing and ramrodding at the same time.
Would anyone else like to try a hand at one of these? I don't want to hoard all the fun. ;-)
Totally open to feedback. Asked before but didn't recieve much interest so I figured it was about kaput. No intent has been actually considered at this point to do another. :-?:confused:

Has your gal started flower yet?
Am I going to be the first to post their final pics? I don't think she will make it another week. Next pics will be the final pics and I may have an idea or 2. heh
Still waiting for the perfect shot. I know what I want to capture, but it hasn't happened yet.
As far as another competition goes, I would enter again, but I am not organized enough to run one.
Can’t wait for these final photos guys/girls, It’s been 55 days or more!! And so been a motional, well for me anyway! If fact such a bloody anti-climax.!!!

Defiantly going to invest in a better camera, no doubt you guys know your shit about photos, loving those buds!

Canon, what the hell is there in London, but red buses and Mary fecking Poppins? Get your self up north and over to Liverpool and before you ask I ant a scouser!

Defo... myself and the wife in for the next one, please could we have 4 separate scoring methods? This would drop all the worry of an "popular vote" which is bias if you like to do something a little different,

A simple tic system for best looking, yielding, technique, most worked and most interesting? Anymore?

What do you guys think?

Oh!! How many are still in?????

P.s Canon she’s still in veg for another 2-3 weeks or so, treating her like a mother plant and just keep topping her to stunt her, she’s become a bloody forest!
Can’t wait for these final photos guys/girls, It’s been 55 days or more!! And so been a motional, well for me anyway! If fact such a bloody anti-climax.!!! Ya mean like good sex?

Defiantly going to invest in a better camera, no doubt you guys know your shit about photos, loving those buds!

Canon, what the hell is there in London, but red buses and Mary fecking Poppins? Get your self up north and over to Liverpool and before you ask I ant a scouser! Relatives (free room & board - LOL)

Defo... myself and the wife in for the next one, please could we have 4 separate scoring methods? This would drop all the worry of an "popular vote" which is bias if you like to do something a little different,

A simple tic system for best looking, yielding, technique, most worked and most interesting? Anymore?

What do you guys think? Personally,, I like it. But, now you need muliple rules for each, and the more rules the more probs. I do like the idea,, I'm just not smart enough to figure all that out on my own. Really, If someone else wants to try this please say so. I'd much rather be a contestant.

Oh!! How many are still in????? Errr, alright, officially? 1 finished and 4 still in the game. 5 total as of now.

P.s Canon she’s still in veg for another 2-3 weeks or so, treating her like a mother plant and just keep topping her to stunt her, she’s become a bloody forest!
And every branch a bud! :clap::weed:
Extra rules? I wouldnt oh thought so, same rules, just differant voting catergres? if someones plant was the biggest yeilding lets say 10 votes but the worse looking 0 votes, then they would end up with an average score overall when comapired with someone with 5 for yeild 5 for looks, but would of won the catergre best yeilding! catching me? more catergres more fun more winners?? could have a very intresting overall winner in the end!

What are you worried about, as regarding rules problems? thought they were spot on this time!!!!!

Keeping it as the "norm autos" makes the competion no so "dragged out" as I know some people have severe concentration problems, cough, cough
Oh! I gotcha Marcus.
Was thinking way differently. But that's interesting and think I may like it. I'll stew on it a spell.
Quick thought.... How would the voting go? (Setting it up and all)

Anyone else?

PS; Marcus,,, 420 still not happening. :-( Don't think they like us. ;-)