"Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.

now what? hahahaa

Only 5 days before "call to arms". Anyone ready?

Reefer-ee Memo -

The intent is to post the battle on midnight the 25th (or 12:00 A.M. the 26th - all times Eastern Standard) depending how you look at it. This is to catch the early weekend .
Poles close Midnight on April Fool's Day.
The pole will open on time. Rules are rules and that means if you're ready or not.

Brief rundown -
1 "main" photo (Full sized / thumbnail okay,, NO MOVIES)
25 (ish) line "story line"
5 suporting photos (thumbnails only)
MOVIES - may be used in place of suporting photos. (Movies must be "LINKS" ONLY)

If you waite until the last minute to submit entry,, and there is a issue,, You'll be posted as submitted. If a change is needed,, It'll be "catch as catch can" on getting me to update an entry. (Not sitting on this like a mother hen - ;-))
Anything submitted that is not against a rule willbe let in.
Spelling, language, format, etc. will post as entered.
(Remember, I'm looking for "cut & paste",,,, not a part time job :o:lol:)
Only 5 days before "call to arms". Anyone ready?
I am ready and am willing to bet I am the only one sending you pics of cured purple nuggets. lol Just gotta get off my ass first and take the pics. lol

When is the next contest because I have a bunch of free autos to grow out?
I am ready and am willing to bet I am the only one sending you pics of cured purple nuggets. lol Just gotta get off my ass first and take the pics. lol

When is the next contest because I have a bunch of free autos to grow out?

So far,, you're right!:clap:

Next one? Well not me at least not until the fall. Summers are just plain too buisy. Maybe a sign-up (to test the interest) around early / mid Sept.?
Maybe someone else will do one in the meantime? ? ? ? ?(Maybe UTA? - hint, hint, hint :lol:)
Everything I have should finish by May and I plan to shut it down for the summer and start back up in like October so that may work out nice for me. I will watch for it. heh
I may continue to run a little op under the 400 though just to run something but I want to clean out first.
If I can stop. lol
Reefer-ee Note -

From the rules;

"Competition will end Saturday March 26th, 2011, 12 weeks from start date. NO EXCEPTIONS"


"Voting - Starts 3-25-2011 and ends 4-1-2011 (April Fool's Day)"

Anyone catch that?

Also, I'm saving my vote in case of a tie. I'll be the "tie Breaker" - and the scurvy of the net - LOL.

This is what happens when your stoned I guess.
One is midnight,, other is 12:00 am.
One way I think I was counting backwards to get it to come together,, the other I was counting forward to see where it flopped.
Totally a screw-up on my part. But the thinking was right.
Hope there wasn't too much confusion there.
March22 2011 034a.jpgNicely cured and stinky. Buds have no purple so I tried cheating and leaving a little leaf but it didn't work out well. hehMarch22 2011 035.jpgMarch22 2011 020.jpgMarch22 2011 030.jpgMarch22 2011 025.jpg
Canon: Check your inbox. Final photos submitted. Would have gotten them to you sooner, but had a family emergency.
Man, you guys are coming up with some simply AWSOME shit for my mailbox!!!
Voters are going to be comparing apples / oranges / bannanas / and such. Such an assortment of totally unrelated grows will definately turn a few heads towards AFs I bet!! :clap::clap::clap: Not to mention,, picking the Top Dog I don't believe will be as simple as some may think.
I've been growing a lot of things for a lot of years. I'm not easily impressed. But ALL of you have impressed me greatly! EXCELLENT JOB ALL! :clap:

Tomorrow night at midnight (or reasonably close) People will see what you've all done these last couple mos.
Knock their sox off! :-P:-o:clap:

PS; Updated my journal listed at the bottom. 9 days from cutting for rooted clones. Is that about right? :lol:;-)
Reefer-ee Memo;

Remember, EVERY picture / movie needs to be able to be found in this thread or risk disqualification.

As long as the time of your post is before the closing date,, you're golden. If not, and someone notices / says something,,, well, rules are rules. Okay?
Please don't forget. We've come this far.
Okay guys.
I'm having a time with this and need your cooperation.
Send ALL your pictures as thumbnails in your story line just the way you want it. (as one complete package,, not multiples) 1 person I could maybe handle in a fashion,, but with such an assortment of mixed and matched pictures in a equally assorted PMs,, it gets nuts!!! And I'm a simple sort! - LOL The FIRST thumbnail will be your enlarged Main photo,, and I will do the enlargments.
right click the thumbail like I did (from above post), Copy, and paste it where you want it to show. (working multiple windows helps). One to find the photo,, other for the PM. Then just jump between them with cut & paste. Easy /simple / fast.

I just lost 3+ hours by trying to make a link work (somehow) and closed the wrong window and lost everything.

Chief, you're good. (Perfect actually! :clap::clap::clap::weed:)

Stoner Barbie
All 3 of you need to resend using the "Thumbnails" as shown, ALL THE PICTURES,, INCLUDING the main photo. I find it to be a hell of a lot easier if you let me enlarge the Main. Otherwise, they come out all sorts of sizes. Thumbnails keep them equal.

Only links I need are for movies,,, and ONLY the link (no pictures of TV screens etc.)

Remember, total package just the way you want it shown. (w/ main photo exception)

I would greatly appreciate this.

I emptied all but Chief's from the mail box because it was getting nuts. Adding more to it wouldn't of helped at this point.

Thank you.

Enough for tonight. I'll start it all over again in the morning. Damned,, it was looking good too!

Teflondummy where are you???????