auto flowing late in uk summer season


Active Member
well my question is could i grow a quick auto flowering from now 4th august? or have i left it to late. My thought is if they only need about 2 months to grow then it could be done by early october,hope so,i'll soon find out,


Well-Known Member
I don't think it can hurt, I put mine in the window after it got too big for my grow room and it panned out fine. Try to start it indoors or until it flowers for a couple weeks.


Active Member
The days will be getting significantly shorter soon, and I find autum tends to be prone to thunderstorms. Is it in a greenhouse? If so I would imagine you could get away with it with a slightly reduced yeild. If outside it will simply be at the mercy of our lovely weather :)


Active Member
realistically 2months from seed is what you get from lights..

it grows a lot slower outdoors it can take anywhere from 10-14 weeks in mid summer days..

it really comes down to cloudy weather blocking your light source and when temperatures outside start to come down.. 25c is best but anything below 15c will at least slow it down..

like that guy said, get it in the greenhouse and hope for the best, take it in at night keep it warm..


Active Member
cheers peoples 4 ya info , well the seeds popped the taproot this morning,so i've planted them in soil now,i've got to give it a try