Well-Known Member
after reading alot about soil mixes i have reached the following conclusions please advise if you agree or not if you have any suggestions or anything at all on the subject to add please do. i was thinking of placing the seeds on low fertilized potting soil about 1 and 1/2 inches under surface water and keep under the lights in 10 cm wide and 25 cm long pots because i heard that if the root finds bottom as it grows it slows growth alot. after three weeks i was thinking or transplanting to 5litre pots with fox farm ocean forrest potting soil or the happy frog poting soil (which do u advise) and mix this with perlite 2 ps to 1perl and then have high phosphorous bat guano in solid and liquid for flowering. the solid to add on top after 1st week in flowering and the liquid if i feel it needs more phosphorus. what do you think any info from experience will be highly appreciated!!