Auto growers,advice please........


Well-Known Member
I have always been a grower of normal photo period plants,what i am wanting to know is what time sced is best 18/6 or 24 hours of light.But when it comes to autos i'm a newbie, so what do i do nute wise, is it bloom nutes straight from the off,or do i feed veg for a while.i said i would never do a auto but looking for something new.all though i will always still keep my old favourites around jack herer and blueberry.This will be a one of grow just to grow the freebies from attitude out,unless i can get at least 5 per plant like i do my normal strains.who knows where this will lead if the results are good this could be a start of something new.I also am finding the breeding of cannabis amazing and am wanting to cross some uk only clone form plants into seeds [femanised]..........................tyke.......


Active Member
it really don't matter with long as they get at least 18hrs of light minimum you can go 24 if u want they bud when they decide it's time...feed it like a normal plant n in the veg and p in flower...there not good for cloning as they flower by themselves if u get a 4" clone it will flower and bud when it decides to no matter how small...


Well-Known Member
Okay here is how I do it. Plant seeds and only use ph'ed water for the first 2.5-3 weeks. Then I use grow nutes for 2 weeks. I then switch from a 6500K MH bulb to a 2700K HPS bulb at this point and half bloom half grow nutes. At week 5-9 I used bloom nutes. I do one week of rinse or about 10 days. I let most my autos go about 10 weeks for some good potent smoke.

My males show in 2-3 weeks from planting my girls 4-5 before preflowers. I have an avegage yeild of about 30-45 grams dry. Not bad for filling space in my veg. room


Active Member
this is only my second grow so im not sure, but they seem to like the rest
they have grown more in the last 2 days since switching than they had in the previous 5 days
not upwards but they have filled out more