Auto NYC Day Update. **


Have you topped yours yet
Nope haven't topped at all. We originally were under the influence that topping auto flowers is a bad idea, but from talking to people these past couple of days, an reading some more journals we have learned that a lot of growers actually do it and it works. So we were actually planning on topping for the first time tomorrow.


Active Member
I use miricale grow mixed with perlite and organic soil from yard no notes
Girl scout cookies not an auto flower but I will flower in two weeks when my tops get some Higth to em
Never once ph tested I need to but I see miracle grow soil has 6 months of feed already in it that will burn baby leaves seeing I went threw this I forgot till u asked but if our using that it could cause burn but u should be past the point were u should worry bout that lil bit


I use miricale grow mixed with perlite and organic soil from yard no notes
Girl scout cookies not an auto flower but I will flower in two weeks when my tops get some Higth to em
Never once ph tested I need to but I see miracle grow soil has 6 months of feed already in it that will burn baby leaves seeing I went threw this I forgot till u asked but if our using that it could cause burn but u should be past the point were u should worry bout that lil bit
I heard miracle grow soil wasn't very good for weed plants but yours seems to be doing very well. im wondering if the yellowish color is because of the miracle grow tomato food i have.


Active Member
I did nothing but let it grow out just tips burnt I would mist it never cut her I'm too nice for that except that one time I cut her head off then she grew two back lol I'm high


Active Member
I can't tell from the picture is the whole plant yellow or is it just the tips because your lighting makes the whole plant look yella

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
yellow leaves happen from a deficiency in nitrogen. the older leaves are effected first but as long as the new growth is fine you should be good. If the new growth starts turning yellow you should up the nitrogen a little.