Auto Skunk Mass finishing up

Had a journal going on another site but not getting any figured I'd give it a try here before they finish.
Day: 52
3 Advanced Auto Skunk Mass (Critical Mass + Skunk#1)60-70 day flower time in 7 gal fabric pots.
FFOF 2:1 with promix bx and some lime.
2-1000w hps's in room but also have 6 other pheno's in flower at the same time. That also means 12/12 light cycle. I know they should have 18 or more but the other pheno's are my priority this was just an experiment. They were on 18/6 or more up to last week.
Temps between 68-75f, RH 35-50%, 3 oscillating fans.
Technaflora full nute line. Been increasing dose beyond recommended levels and they still keep begging for more.
Been battling white flies most of the grow. Tried spinosad, rosemary extract, and sticky pads. Have kept damage to a minimum but can't get rid of em.
Tried some LST but seemed to slow growth through entire plant and removed it. There is a net across them now mostly for other pheno's.
All about 24-26" tall, main colas on the two I didn't LST are 4" tall seem to be getting fatter faster than getting taller.

Can't seem to figure out how to attach pics from my phone. Gonna put some in another post from the comp.


Active Member
Nice man your one of the few I've seen growing skunk mass I have one going... Any way you can get better pics? Nice grow man