Auto taking FOREVER to finish


Well-Known Member
i have two autos in flower and they have been growing from seed since September 17. Growing in soil and unknown strains. Seeds from VSB for $15 for 5 seeds and wanted to try them out. Started out really well but taking forever. I have posted pics and would like to know if I should just them them be and continue on or chop. I have them on 12/12 and could use the space. They can go back into my veg area.

I had high hopes for these girls initially. First one still looks pretty good too.



Well-Known Member
I must admit I not done autos before (apart from 1 which refused to root & i ended up ditching!) but certainly from your pics I would say the plants are looking over-ripened, if anything.

And from the little I do know about autos, 3 months is more than enough time for them to have been done, chopped & smoked by now.

When u say they not ready, do u mean trichs are still clear - no milky or ambers yet??

My only other thought is $15 is pretty cheap for 5 seeds so maybe they 1st generation autos that haven't got great genetics and will never provide a perfect grow. I could be wrong on that & maybe seeds are cheaper in ur area, but I would recommend checking out the company's website - if they're selling new gen autos at much higher prices then that's probably ur answer. Plus also, did u have to switch to 12\12 to initiate flowering?? Cause if so, then they probably ain't autos to begin with!


Well-Known Member
They keep popping out more pistols. Trichs are cloudy no amber. But yeah I would say they have had more than enough time. And I am going to haul them out. I do have a legit northern lights auto in dwc which started from seed Dec. 5. She's cruising along but no flowers yet.


Well-Known Member
I must admit I not done autos before (apart from 1 which refused to root & i ended up ditching!) but certainly from your pics I would say the plants are looking over-ripened, if anything.

And from the little I do know about autos, 3 months is more than enough time for them to have been done, chopped & smoked by now.

When u say they not ready, do u mean trichs are still clear - no milky or ambers yet??

My only other thought is $15 is pretty cheap for 5 seeds so maybe they 1st generation autos that haven't got great genetics and will never provide a perfect grow. I could be wrong on that & maybe seeds are cheaper in ur area, but I would recommend checking out the company's website - if they're selling new gen autos at much higher prices then that's probably ur answer. Plus also, did u have to switch to 12\12 to initiate flowering?? Cause if so, then they probably ain't autos to begin with!
They did start to flower on 18/6 but in the hopes of pushing them along I switched them to 12/12 with my other photos. Which it seems a lot of people end of going this route. The first plant is all pistols and very little leaf. In the time it's taking these I will have harvested two rounds of photos almost. I think I will stick to photos and perhaps keep thenfour remaining autos for outdoors when spring hits in the hopes of having two outside harvests before then end of October.