Auto WW isn't growing


Active Member
Yeah, man. She did grow a bit since my first post though, and now about 6" high :) she keeps growing, but I have just a little more space left, acually thought to maybe lst her?
Anyhow, if and when i'll have more room for grow i will get bigger pot.
As of now, i'm just curious how much will it yield ^__^

Almost forgot - yesterday i've seen some fertilizer which was just N-K, 3-5. It had a couple of things more in it, but no P. Can it do the job for flowering? I'm still going with 10-7-9, because I don't find any other suitable stuff :/ cheking the plant daily for signs of burn...


Active Member
Good to hear its growing!
No I don't think you should try a fert with no P. Phosphorus is essential for bloom(for cannabis).

1-3-1 is the preferred choice here I assume
1-3-3 (or 1-2-2) even better for later stages of flower.



Active Member
Hows your plant doing man? Mine is flowering, just made some extra room for her. Shes spreading and gaining height quick! At day 56 from seed. Im going to find a pc and upload a few..



Active Member
Hey man, she's doin' great! Posted a few pics around the forum, but here are a couple rescent ones:
20140207_233923.jpg 20140211_215008.jpg
She's an auto and I think it's just 2-3 more weeks to go! Some trichomes already look milky
I'll wait just until few amber once appear and CHOP CHOP!



Active Member
Awesome! Nice uploads...

How tall did she grow? Reason I ask that plant is forming flowering sites and just keeps getting taller and wider everyday. Im worried the cab might fall short.


Active Member
Well mine actually only got to about 8-9 inches. I did LST her a bit though - just the top branch. Try to put lights closer or her closer to the lights, especially if those are CFLs like mine. Do LST her - that did the job for me, and didn't seem to cause any troubles.

I have chopped her down today :-) 64.4 gram wet, so I should get about half an ounce dry. I think it's not bad for a first run, small stealth cabbinet, cheap lightning and very little nutrients!