Autofem showing pistils? Need an Autofem EXPERT pleeeease!!!


Well-Known Member
So my Autofem Critical Jack showed HER pistils this morning.... Its been EXACTLY 4 weeks, which seems like damn good timing to me! Lol...

BBBUUUTTTT, I'm totally CONFUSED on what to do now!

Do I start her on flowering nutes now that she's actually flowering? Its only had ONE dose of veg nutes this past Monday (and it was a TINY DOSE!), I was going to feed it every Monday weither it be veg or flowering nutes after its first 4 sets (which happened to land on this last Monday)! So should i go grab some molasses and start with blooming nutes?! From what I've been told/read it should be done or CLOSE to done anywhere from 30-60 days from now. This seem correct? I'm just confused on how to grow this "thing" lol!

She's had (what I and another grower assumed) a mag deficiency for the past two weeks. I got some Hi-Yield Magnesium Sulphate last night, per "McDonalds Nursery" and their suggestions... I also went ahead and purchased some Hydrated Lime for future grows, also made by Hi-Yield. The Guy told me to use the Mag shit as a foliage spray, which is what i did last night, I feel like it almost made it worse or somethin.... Tho IT DID make my mama show her true insides (not literally) ;)

Here's a picture, I can't really get a good shot with my phones camera of the two petruding albino
pistils.... Just take my word for it, foreal! Lol I tried to get a flick of it though!

And wtf is up with these brown spots COVERING my leaves?! Should i break out the Neem Oil??? Something locked out? NONE of thr nurseries around here have any type of "Cal/Mag" btw....

Pictures of her this morning... straight CFLs as ALWAYS. Same grow box, 80-85 degrees, Ph of water with or WITHOUT nutes before I put it in the plant is a good 6 - 6.5, but I've ran out of PH strips. I use nothing but the exact same bottled water for all of my plants...




Well-Known Member
Actually YOU CAN SEE the pistils! And the new growth growing where those fan leaves connect to the stalk look GREAT. I'm hoping it'll just start working it's magic? I really just need to know when to start flowering nutes >:(