Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Well-Known Member
planted on the 27th popped out of coco on the 30/31st an grew an inch in one day it has not got 7 set leaves yet its only got 3 leaves as i said it started flowering almost instantly it has streched approx 4 inch in that time why would i lie i have nothing to gain only showing what i have, i have seen alot of wierd journals with wierd mutant plants, plants that grow with 2 heads plants that grow bud in the middle of fan leaves an so on you must of seen some yourself frechy1000 mpost 15 his are 4 day older than mine an his are big but there compact mine has stretched an as said is not even produced a 5 bladed leaf set yet
actually mine are 11 days older than yours. just to keep you correct :)


Well-Known Member
@nothingtodeclare.....seen as you have some mutant plant there and considering many are already asking questions I suggest you take an image every day to document the grow, for yourself and for others, that way no one can argue with it.

Sounds exciting though!!


Well-Known Member
NOOO!! I want in, I only have the one Il Diavolo auto seed currently growing tho. Its about 40 days old, switched to 12/12 yesterday... too late?


Active Member
its supposed to be a new strain from g-13 labs i got 2 of them from the birthday promo from the tude, i have asked maybe unstable genetics an have tried to email g-13 to ask about it flowering almost instantly but there contact details are down on there site,i have only grow 3 other auto's before onyx blue mystic both reached same height about 20" an both yeilded an oz dry weight the other g-13 labs auto white russin i had mysteriously died, was just on his side one day, i use coco because it contains no nutes so i can be in conteol of when they get fed i do not like to use soil with nutes for the fear you could burn your baby up before you started

Ill have my Botany Degree in about a year....So figureing I know alot about the meaaning and aspects of plants life including structure/growth/reproduction/metabolism/development/diseases/chemical properties, and evolutionary relationships among taxonomic groups......... If your plant were to be growing as fast as you say it would had to of to have 1 or more biological cell divisions"mother cells" which would then have 2 of there own baby cells so to speak...which is whats need for procreation in unicellular organisms....but hey...what do I know....


Active Member
no way your plant can put out that much plant matter in 7 days bud im sorry but something dont seem right about ur grow... By the looks of ur plant it would have had to grow 7 sets of leaves in 7 days...includeing the leaves geting bigger/longer and denser...which to me seems...some what unreal...ive seen lots of auto journals and have never seen a plant do as you are mentioning...and i dont think im the only one who thinks that

hence :)^^^^^^^^^^


Well-Known Member
i agree he is full of shit there's no ways that is 7 days growth... unless he is from japan... and lives near fukushima...


Active Member

Working on pushing her 4th set out...god these ak's are fast growers Ive been loveing every min of it espicialy with my eldest ladys starting to swell:):):)


Active Member
i agree he is full of shit there's no ways that is 7 days growth... unless he is from japan... and lives near fukushima...
lol ha fukushima ...yes maybe then will the radiation material implement itself into the plants genes to cause a super veg plant :)


Active Member
here is mine started flower after 7 days on a 18/6 light regime unstable maybe i'm not sure but she stretching real quick considering it popped the 31stView attachment 1541452she is coco an perlite 70coco/30 perlite she is on house an garden nutes just AanB you use same 2 bottles through veg an flower,the top 4"-5" of the plant has grown in the last few days it is the g13-labs auto white russian off the tude bday promo, i started to do some lsting but as said it started to flower so took ties off

Dude I can clearly see the 6th set poping out the top


Well-Known Member
NOOO!! I want in, I only have the one Il Diavolo auto seed currently growing tho. Its about 40 days old, switched to 12/12 yesterday... too late?
Yes, way too late for you! :p But there will be a Round 3 in a few months that you can hop on in! ;)

@everyone else

Lets try to concentrate on your own grows before throwing stones at others. :peace:

The Cage is about learning and growing together. If you do not believe someone else, or disagree with them, let it go.

The Cage has a way of weeding out the bullshit. :joint:

Thank you all for your understanding.


Active Member
ok no worries i dont care what degrees you have you are nothing to do with me if i wanted to lie why dint i just post a pic of day one an use other photo's i have of it this is day 1 use day 4 for day 2 day 9 for day 3 an so on i am not on this site for arguing, i was here to learn from the pro's to which i have been, i have no ph'ds in microbiology or plant mechanicism, plant phisology i aint no proffesor or grand master horticultrist i dont understand what plants do on a cellular level i just grow an smoke i can see its the mine's bigger than your case here,frenchy1000 on the 31st you said yours was 10 days old so killerox yours at day 13 are way smaller than frenchy1000 at day 10 an mine are just stretched an tall if they were compact like frenchy's it would not be a matter i dont know why they started throwing out pistols straight away i dont know why its stretching like it is.its ok i will withdraw my entry from the compo because its a wierd mutant an i am a lier to gain whatever i am lieing for may the ganja gods be with you all an your ladies


Active Member
ok no worries i dont care what degrees you have you are nothing to do with me if i wanted to lie why dint i just post a pic of day one an use other photo's i have of it this is day 1 use day 4 for day 2 day 9 for day 3 an so on
wierd you say that...thats exactly what I thought you were up can fool some people on here but not all or me :) do what you wanna do to gain what ever it is your looking for got a good grow going on ill give ya that and lovely ladies but you seem to be exaggerating your grow which to me looking at it from a voters perspective...everything you put off seems to not be logical by any means whatsoever....I didnt come to this thread to pick you threw out a sublime grow that just aint possible that made me think wow "Go Getter" not talking about how early ur plant is flowering.. im talking about the veg growth time you insist is legit....even if you tried to pull of an auto veg time like that you would need precise and optimum growth conditions which most of us closet growers just dont have...


Active Member
And you autos didnt start flowering at 8 days thats never been done.....some people couldnt join this cause they were a tad to late but urs just so happened to pop at the 31'st and for some wierd reson its the fastest growing plant in the world and seeing as to somehow ur plant got in here and hear you speak all these lie's I KNOW are untrue....makes me upset...cause im sure we could have learned more true information from them ...other then your begginer/misconstrued knowledge not dissing you for being new to growing but you have alot to learn yet by the looks of ur previous thread posts...and by them it seems you have alot of wierd crazzy ideas that make you look even more guilty about lieing to get into this competition...sorry to those who couldnt get into the competition and thanks for being honest....I call em how I see em bro...and ill be the first to call a bluff when I see one


Well-Known Member
Alright enough guys, this thread is about the auto, the experience and for others to revert back to later, lets not taint the thread with any more about this fukushima plant. let it be now.


Well-Known Member
/puts bouncer cap on

Killeroxx, drop it please. This is the second time I asked you (my first post was directed soley at you) to stop.

I didn't want to sound like an ass and pull out this card...BUT!' Last time I checked, The Cage is being ran by me and I have not disqualified anyone nor plan to. I learned my lesson in Round 1. I do not appreciate you making another feel unwelcome. The Cage is not your place to call another a liar when you do not have adequate proof that they are. If you feel so strongly that he should not be in The Cage due to "foul play", you PM me with all the data that made you come to the conclusion that you have.

Years, from now, people will come to this thread to find out about Autoflowers in a fun way. Hopefully they will not pay too much attention to all the needless poo throwing.

I know I sound like a jerk, but please understand I am just trying to keep this competition friendly. :)

Thanks for your understanding.