Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Well-Known Member
i currently have mine on 24/7 which seems to keep the closet at a steady temp. and now that i have put the fan on to oscillating, the "day time" temp has reduced from 85 to 75 so the plants will not be happier :)


Well-Known Member


killeroxx and newworldicon have withdrawn from The Cage. Could you please give us an updated list?

Thank you so much.


If any others wish to withdrawal, I have one more request...please refrain from PM'ing me with name calling, insults, assumptions and your ideals on what The Cage should be about. PM Beansly and ask him to remove you from the list instead.

Thank you for your understanding.


Well-Known Member
i still hve my lights on 18/6... i will be moving my lady into my 182 watt flowering box on the day i see a hint of sex... this seed is feminized, however, by some slight chance of it being a male or shooten some pollen sacks here and there, i will harvest the pollen and save i from my next aut grow.. i wanna try to get some auto beans eventually... i am thinking i might go ahed an order a pack of non fem beans and get some shit going proper...


Well-Known Member
For all those who think they have nothing to show so early in the game...:p

Here is my little lady at (almost) 4 days old. She has some white spots because I wasn't careful when spraying my humidity dome down and got some droplets on her.

She has been in 24/7 light ever since she was put in the soil for temperature reasons and to show that you do not need 100% darkness when germinating seeds.
My temp has stayed at 25c with the light on.



Active Member
FOR 1 KULONG i know this is your thread but i was just refering to anothers question im not starting talks about crap off topic so find someone else to be a tight ass with....the nerve you have to disrespect any of our knowledge..includeing mine... we intice onto ur thread.. no has been argueing since ur last post...and ur being to tight I think on what type of info is on here...regardless... anything that has to do with growing good MJ is usefull for all types of grows includeing even if its not directly introduced as a topic stateing autos doesnt mean its not implemented in the same retrospect ...I withdraw due to Kulong haveing no appreciation for the knowledge contestants or spectators have to offer this thread...and its not worth the head ache..UGGGHH good luck yall and REMEMBER STAY ON TOPIC ;) talk too much


Well-Known Member
started germ on the 5th, planted in jiffy on the 7th and 6 days after that this is what i got. yeah a little leggy but in her next home she'll be snug as a bug. going solo cup for a couple weeks then a 3 gal pot. the pot has 3 inches of hydroton, all ffof with the top 2 inches an organic seedling soil.



Well-Known Member
Thank you all so much for posting your photos! ;) It makes drinking my coffee in the morning much more enjoyable then reading arguments and negative PM's.

But I digress...

Everyone's girls are looking good! :D


Active Member
does anybody use heat mats/pads under there soil for your auto's roots i hear that warm roots means the above vegetation can withstand colder temps,i alss seem to think the roots grow quicker in warmer enviroment,just my take not gospel,an what else does anyone use in there soil/coco apart from perlite ie mychorhaize fungi etc , trying to grow the biggests roots possible so my auto will uptake larger amounts of food, an by keeping the soil warm does it increase the microbeasties,mine auto is not much to report its still alive its under nlites 200w PURple cfl bulb 25,000k bio tropic excellent bulb for starting an use at towards the end of flowering,he's still in little 2" pot will repot once she a little taller an root ball is bigger
@kulong do you keep yours under humidity dome even after they broke ground ????is it for increased humidity


Active Member
Hi guys,

Here is my entry. Both seeds were planted on 7th April. The thing is one of them's a Lowryder 2 and and the other is one of the two non-auto freebies I got from Attitude (either Warlock or something else, I forget). I don't know which one's which at the mo 'cos I didn't label the identical clear tubes they came in. They've now been labelled from the tubes they came from (the two Lowryders I had left I know were in the same tube) so at least I'll know what my remaining seeds are.

They're both under blue light 200w CFL (18 hours), in Westland compost +25% perlite. I'll know which one's the Lowryder 'cos it'll be the one that autoflowers. The other one I'll take out and put on the sill while I'll switch the light to red for the LR2.

I know I'm not gonna win any prizes for 200w CFL. Just in it for the fun.
hey i am using 200w cfl's an they can produce some real good results admitingly you might not be up with the 1000w hps boys but you will still have some nice quality smoke an my last 2 auto;s both yielded an oz each(onyx,blue mystic) with a 200w cfl,plus you can get your cfl alot closer than a hps,


Well-Known Member
@kulong do you keep yours under humidity dome even after they broke ground ????is it for increased humidity
I do!Just until she gets her first set of leaves or so. I make a homemade dome from a big water jug and spray it 2-3x a day and sprinkle around the base of her steam very lightly.


Active Member
hey i am using 200w cfl's an they can produce some real good results admitingly you might not be up with the 1000w hps boys but you will still have some nice quality smoke an my last 2 auto;s both yielded an oz each(onyx,blue mystic) with a 200w cfl,plus you can get your cfl alot closer than a hps,
Yep - I usually get about an ounce. This time I'll be hanging an extra 4x20w bring the total up to 280w cfl... so... fingers crossed for a bit more than an ounce.


Active Member
lol I talk to much...I just hate being insulted by stupid fucks like the thread leader and getting threatning PMs for me doing what??? For those of you who dont take shit from anyone on here have a good day...those who are stuck between kulongs legs....well you can just stay there :)


Well-Known Member
Can I still post pics of my first ever auto plant even tho I can't enter? This threads for information purposes right? I tried a little LST on her to hopefully see a difference in quantity come harvest, we shall see.:)


Well-Known Member
i transplanted into a solo cup this morning, buried up half the stem so itll be nice and strong. will take pics when i get home from work


Well-Known Member
lol I talk to much...I just hate being insulted by stupid fucks like the thread leader and getting threatning PMs for me doing what??? For those of you who dont take shit from anyone on here have a good day...those who are stuck between kulongs legs....well you can just stay there :)
shoo fly shoo