Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Well-Known Member

Before pointing your fingers at me like you always do, go back to the very beginning of this competition and read every single post!

You will see:
Who started what...
Me trying to stop fight after fight after fight...
Me being called every name in the book...
Me being blamed for things I did not do...
And who are the name callers and distributors of The Cage...

You will see who could not handle The Cage, you will see who cannot work as a team for the greater good and you will see the total lack of respect towards each other.

WELCOME TO THE CAGE! I am no longer going to coddle you!

If you cannot handle being talk to like an adult, then get the fuck out of The Cage!



Well-Known Member
Lets finish on a strong note then and if anyone starts posting snide remarks then we just ignore it, this has already been derailed enough times lol.


Well-Known Member
Lets finish on a strong note then and if anyone starts posting snide remarks then we just ignore it, this has already been derailed enough times lol.
Wish I could but I am not built that way. If someone calls me a liar, I call them on it. Way I was raised.

I have been polite here too long. Time to unleash the OVERLORD! ;)


Well-Known Member
sorry things aren't goin the way you hoped, i have some nice pics to update, when i get home i will do that
Thanks man! I can always count on contestants like you (and a few others like WOWgrow) to keep The Cage rattling!

As for things not going my way...actually, I think they are perfect! It wouldn't be The Cage if we didn't have our drama queens entertaining the general public. ;)

When this round is over, I am going to go back and read the entire thread front to back again just for the entertainment that lies within it. :)


Well-Known Member
Gave my easyryder a little dose of canna N, the leaves were looking a bit hungry and seems to have done the trick, she looks much healthier. The last two days she's doubled in size I swear.

Day 31

Yes bro she looks much better. I saw she was a little light green last post but did not say anything because sometimes an HPS in the background will do that. She looks much greener now. +rep if I can. heh

Anyone in this comp got 9 fingers or more? 7 max for me on this one. Did somehow manage to get a couple of 9s on my very first grow though.
Mine are all 3 fingers.

Since we are stating our point of views, here's mine...

I am not sensitive and do not use that as an excuse for your behavior. I just call people out who have been insulting others for no apparent reason.

You might think it is humor, but I honestly think you know exactly how you are treating everyone, especially me.

I bring this up because I am not the only one that has noticed your elevation in negativity in The Cage. I receive PM's asking me "what's up?". I tell them, "it has seemed you just flipped, almost like its another person posting on your account". You have driven some people to post less because of your attitude towards other growers here. Go through The Cage's thread and see the dramatic change in your attitude from beginning until now.

You started your negativity with the "frenchies grow" situation and have not stopped. We are here to teach and learn, not insult and belittle everyone's grow every chance you get. I almost didnt want to post my update because I did not want to deal with another snide remark from you. However, I did and you did.

You wanted to be part of The Cage. I let you, gave you a "position" and you have received tons of +rep and positive recognition due to me. You're welcome by the way.

Lastly, since you asked, I wanted to see your grow journal to see what setup you have to "get one pound per light" as claimed in hopes to learn something new. Disappointingly, I have not.

I mean no disrespect because (Delete: I still feel we are friends) and I know my friend Beansly is in there somewhere but I will be taking over the list from this post on. Thank you for starting the list for The Cage. You have received 3x +rep from me alone and I have given you many compliments for helping me.

You are not the same Beansly who created the list and I think you need some time away from The Cage to sort it out.

When you do, please come back and be the Beansly you were when you started.


I remember the exact moment I turned nasty. It was after an uncalled for reply to the Frenchy thing. i was giving my opinion as per usual, and some disrespectful prick had to say something along the lines of 'don't listen to them they're wrong, listen to me.' I replied to the challenge and it just got worse and worse after that. I've always been here to help.
Damn I wonder who that prick was? lol Oh wait ....
Sorry pal you guys were going at it before I chimed in and it was the reason I chimed in. I was not trying to be a prick but just trying to bust balls and break up the tension. Well kinda being a prick but busting balls, cage match competition trashtalk. I even threw in an lol after saying not to listen to you guys. And being from Boston your friends usually call you by a curseword and rarely use your real name. My nickname is and has been Dick since I was a teenager and my name isn't Richard. Fuckin Pissah or wicked pissah is part of most Bostonians' vocabulary, even teachers judges doctors, ect. lol No lie.


Before pointing your fingers at me like you always do, go back to the very beginning of this competition and read every single post!

You will see:
Who started what...
Me trying to stop fight after fight after fight...
Me being called every name in the book...
Me being blamed for things I did not do...
And who are the name callers and distributors of The Cage...

You will see who could not handle The Cage, you will see who cannot work as a team for the greater good and you will see the total lack of respect towards each other.

WELCOME TO THE CAGE! I am no longer going to coddle you!

If you cannot handle being talk to like an adult, then get the fuck out of The Cage!

Maybe things will quiet down now.


Well-Known Member
The Cage. Cattier than a season of Desperate Housewives :lol:

Welcome to The Cage! Your girl is looking great. Get ready for her to burst in height this week. As far as the drama comment, some people simply crack and cannot handle it. The Cage has a way to weed out the weak (pun intended). ;)
It's funny you should say that, I think her growth has slowed up a wee bit. She seems to be less smelly too, and some of the leaves are curling under a little. Are any of these signs I should be concerned about?

I'll take pics later as she's sleeping now, I can't be disturbing the beauty regime :)


Active Member
how many of you start auto's in your final pot,because i started mine in a little 2" pot i transplanted it to a 3 gallon an for the past 2 1/2- 3weeks the bitch has not moved until 2 days ago i can now see new groth appearing, now i know i have stunted her but how i do not know how,

she was never overwatered,i did not break any roots an she has not been subjected to harsh eniromental conditions or wild ph'd waterings alls that i did was to transplant her into new soil i am thinking the brand of soil has something to do with it,or it is indeed transplant shock,

i will post some pics tommo to show but she is still really small 3 weeks almost too small
@ everyone else plants they are great
@ lowryder if you do jump ship still post pic of final days would love to see how she turned out
i am still in the cage with you guys but as said i stunted her so had nothing to post
cant wait till the next auto cage i just ordered some more auto widow's an afghan kush ryder


Well-Known Member
started my first 8 in jiffy pellets and planted those, the diesel ryder i entered into the cage was a jiffy, then party cup, then 4g pot


Well-Known Member
to be honest, i wont do a party cup again, with the short life span of autos, i saw a stop in growth for about 4 days after the transplant, she's huge now, ill show later, but im convinced she would be bigger in the end if i had put the pellet right into the 4g when it was ready


Active Member
i have to agree with that, mantisz pointed it out to me earlier on in the thread i wish i did the same (planted in final pot) as said i am suffering for it now,thank god these are a real long autoflowering strain hopefully final yield will not be hindered too much,

well i suppose its another what to do an what not to do with an auto,still learning but getting there


RIU Bulldog
Fuck this.
What's that Kulo, Three now officially? Lol God I love being right.
I may be an arrogant asshole sometimes...but...wait what was I saying.
So I'm arrogant, so some think I'm a know it all, but your just as bad! lol
If you were as secure as you pretend to be you would just shrug your shoulders and go about your merry way, when someone doesn't take you advise.
and don't think I didn't notice you changed your post at 3 in the fucking morning after I fell asleep so it would better make me look stupid or something, but hindsight is 20/20 kulo.
I didn't think you could pull a pound off of one Autoflower with one light and this is why I asked you to show me your grow after you insinuated you could. We are growing Autoflowers here and linking someone elses non-autoflower grow does not make you a guru gardener nor does reading one paragraph out of J.C.'s grow bible.

I have no idea what you are going on about and at this stage, it is pointless to try to understand it. As I said before, after you sort out whatever it is that is making you rage, you are welcome to come back.

Until then friend, I hope you get your head straight.

You're welcome. I am more than happy to take over the list.
I don't remember exactly what you wrote the first time but it wasn't this. You ain't slick, slick. And stop it with the pleasantries already. You don't like me and I don't like you. So quit faking it. This isn't Victorian England where "gentlemen" pretend to like eachother to keep up social graces. This is the 21st Century and the internet.

And come on gimme a fucking break with the LOL already.
Your an asshole. LOL
Fuck your mom. LOL
Your a pedophile. LOL
Your plants are ugly and I hope they die. LOL

What? Don't get mad... Can't you see I was joking?
I wrote LOL....:wall:
(if any MODs are watching, that was sarcasm)

You can't just write what ever the hell you want and then type lol after it and expect everything to be all Honky-Dorey.
I would actually respect you more if you said "Beanz, that's one way to look at it, but that's stupid and here's why.."
Then explain why you disagree.
I can take a joke for sure, and I have a eclectic sense of humor. But "your an asshole. lol" isn't a joke.


RIU Bulldog
Damn I wonder who that prick was? lol Oh wait ....
Sorry pal you guys were going at it before I chimed in and it was the reason I chimed in. I was not trying to be a prick but just trying to bust balls and break up the tension. Well kinda being a prick but busting balls, cage match competition trashtalk. I even threw in an lol after saying not to listen to you guys. And being from Boston your friends usually call you by a curseword and rarely use your real name. My nickname is and has been Dick since I was a teenager and my name isn't Richard. Fuckin Pissah or wicked pissah is part of most Bostonians' vocabulary, even teachers judges doctors, ect. lol No lie.
Sorry man I must have glossed over this the first time. I didn't realize you were being cool about it.
Didn't mean the thing about the dickhead part, jus, uh, saying is all...I appreciated it.
but your still kindof an asshole...LOL
heh heh


Well-Known Member
And come on gimme a fucking break with the LOL already.
Your an asshole. LOL
Fuck your mom. LOL
Your a pedophile. LOL
Your plants are ugly and I hope they die. LOL

What? Don't get mad... Can't you see I was joking?
lol good one but....
I told you I am a dick not an asshole.
My mom is single but only dates black guys so if you want you can give her a call.
And who told you I was a pedo, your sister said she was 18.(not really funny diddlers deserve castration)
Yeah my plants have been a little ugly lately cus of the heat and trying different nutes and methods. And any real gardener would not wish death on our poor little green friends,, they never hurt anyone so be nice to them. :) ( this one you should take back heh)

And I am not mad, a little insane but not angry. heh and LOL

Someone please call this man a waaahmbulance. Feel better? Need a Weinekin?lol and JK I saw Joe Dirt the other day, that movie cracks me up.

Didn't they have caps and insults in your neighborhood growing up? Those were pretty lame. I prefer your mama jokes.

I told you I am sorry, didn't know you were tho thenthitive thilly wabbit.
Go grab your blanky and think of a happy place for a while and come back when you feel better.
Call my mom she will let you cry on her shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man I must have glossed over this the first time. I didn't realize you were being cool about it.
Didn't mean the thing about the dickhead part, jus, uh, saying is all...I appreciated it.
but your still kindof an asshole...LOL
heh heh
Right on pal. Again, not an asshole, I am a dick. Do you know the difference? lol funny video gimme one sec.



Well-Known Member
heres my girl at 32 days
last watering i gave
botanicare pro bloom
botanicare liquid karma
AN bud candy
Earth juice micro blast
great white



RIU Bulldog
And come on gimme a fucking break with the LOL already.
Your an asshole. LOL
Fuck your mom. LOL
Your a pedophile. LOL
Your plants are ugly and I hope they die. LOL

What? Don't get mad... Can't you see I was joking?
I wrote LOL....:wall:
(if any MODs are watching, that was sarcasm)
I wasn't talking about you man. It was an example of people saying awful shit then just adding 'lol'.....Dick.


RIU Bulldog
I found my camera and yeay!!
Here is my latest side project. A soon to be scrog'd set of clones that are filling time until I can start my next real closet micro grow/scrog.
I got my Herijuana IBL reg seeds and my Lady Cane (an awesome mix of MNS Super Silver Haze and Nevil's G13) x Blueberry Indica (interestingly, a pollen mix of DJ Shorts original Blueberry and the later 'True Blueberry').
I don't wanna give away the stealth method of any company, but the way they shipped it was pure genius. I get the seeds and a necklace ;P Right on Sannie.
Seeds arrived in the mail box via regular snail mail in a padded envelope which greatly reduced the cost of shipping.
Stay tuned for a link to my new grow later.

The budshot in there is from some bagseed I grew outdoors last summer. It cured for two months and I've been smoking on it for a while now. Good weed to get low on. Smells like lemons.

I forgot to show my breeding side project. I got the seeds for these plants from a lb. of weed. 5 seeds from a elbow of really good regs but it just needed a potency kick to get it up to that next level.
I want a good breeding heri male and female, and a male and female from the bagseed and maybe even one of each from the Lady Cane x BB. So we'll see.
I wont be posting anymore picture of this grow in this thread. Thank you.



RIU Bulldog
Well now I feel like a super dick. heh
Did you watch the video? Funny stuff.
Ah don't worry about it. I should probably be more clear.
Yeah I watched it again. Thanks for clearing that up for me guy. "Dick, not asshole. Dick, not asshole" I got it now. I guess that would make me the asshole...
That movie is a classic. Up there with Shakespeare, Homer, Poe.
