Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Well-Known Member
well fellas... still no camera, but i will say this, my lady is lookin nice.. minus the split cotelydons from me assisting in removing the shell... but besides that, she is all good... even the split leaves are a healthy green... i am prolly gonna buy a cam this weekend so i can update with pretty piks again.... i think i shall call her scarface due to the split cotelydons... 8)

so... i put scarface on an 18/6 light cycle last night... i chose this cycle because growing out photoperiod seeds in this box, i noticed more growth using this cycle... not sure how it will be on a auto, but it will be fun to find out... besides that, shes "a-1"...


Well-Known Member
Hey dude just wanted to say great job and thank you for making it so official with the lists.....this is history in the making here, people in years to come will be able to refer back to this for all sorts of answers. +rep
That is what The Cage is all about! :bigjoint:

This seems like the best place to ask but which autos have you grown that have the least odor? Im thinking of doing maybe 5 in the height of summer but my garden borders with 2 others so smell may be an issue.
My Snowryder had very little smell. It wasn't the best smoke, but it did the job.

i am prolly gonna buy a cam this weekend so i can update with pretty piks again
Get on it! There are so many cameras on the cheap now days. ;)


Well-Known Member
IMAG0222.jpgIMAG0221.jpgjust a little pic update, i germ 12 hrs in a cup of water, then wet paper towel until i see the tail, then i plant in a jiffy pellet.

thats a butter dish and it works great on top of my cooled hood


Active Member
well my auto big bang popped ground. 4th day from going into soil. my 60 day wonder however is still underground... hmmm. lol i am so impatient. but i like the suprize so i keep planting in dirt. the 60 dday is my competition plant... hope it pops...


RIU Bulldog
well my auto big bang popped ground. 4th day from going into soil. my 60 day wonder however is still underground... hmmm. lol i am so impatient. but i like the suprize so i keep planting in dirt. the 60 dday is my competition plant... hope it pops...
dan, I know that you wanted to use the Big Bang as your competition plant that would be fine since I assumed in the first place. Remember guys, I'm not here to make the rules, you have to go to kulong for that, I'm just here to keep track of who's in the competition.


Active Member
its alright, for now well use it as a last resort. lol im hoping this will pop in the next day or two and ill use the 60 day. also i should share a bit of infor with you all as i have heard you cant top or clone autoflowers. well i have first hand seen it happen and not once but twice now my best friend has sucessfully cloned his autoflower plant... unfortunately he was given a seed without a name... all we know is it autoflowers, done in like 70 days last couple times. i will be trying to get pics and as much info as i can on this one... just thoght for those of you who want to give it a shot. i have seen it done. the clone is about 17" tall now and thick with buds... the mother was like 2' tall thow when she was done and just loaded. idk the weight as he smoked on it right away:) lol


Well-Known Member
also i should share a bit of infor with you all as i have heard you cant top or clone autoflowers. well i have first hand seen it happen and not once but twice now my best friend has sucessfully cloned his autoflower plantl
You cannot clone an autoflower.

Also, you have to choose ONE contender for the contest and cannot switch.

As long as you have a contender on the list with your name by her by Friday, you are all good. ;)


Well-Known Member
well cloning is possibly but it wont grow much at all because of the auto genes they grow by age not light hours so even if u cut a clone it will be same age as the mother and it will flower at same time.


Well-Known Member
well cloning is possibly
Sigh, no, its not.

Having a 1/2 gram plant maybe is not a successful clone.

Autoflowers are not meant to clone. This is one of the major problems people have with Autos.

With all due respect, I don't mean to be all uppity about this, but it is important that we keep FACTS with experience in The Cage so we can squash the many myths that surround Autoflowers.

If you have a journal from start to finish documenting a successful cloning of an Autoflower strain, please share. I would LOVE it if we could clone Auto's but then again, that would defeat one of the purposes of Autoflowers.

Love and respect. ;)


Active Member
dan, I know that you wanted to use the Big Bang as your competition plant that would be fine since I assumed in the first place. Remember guys, I'm not here to make the rules, you have to go to kulong for that, I'm just here to keep track of who's in the competition.
i have the same sugar mango rider has popped...but my tojan has been in dirt 4 days and nothing...can i switch or am i fucked?


Well-Known Member
My Il Diavolo popped over night. Pics tonight.

Has anyone grown her yet? Is she good? If so I want to use a bigger pot but if she is just ok I will save my soil and use a little one.


Well-Known Member
i have the same sugar mango rider has popped...but my tojan has been in dirt 4 days and nothing...can i switch or am i fucked?
Just have your contender updated before Friday the 8th and you will be all set. ;)


RIU Bulldog
I've been asked a few time already what and when to post pictures in the contest. I tell them all to speak to kulong. Here's the basic idea of how ppl are using the thread. It's basically a huge public journal-contest. You post like you would if this were your own personal journal, but for everyone to read. FOR BETTER OR WORSE so don't chicken out and disappear if your plant dies!:-o

I think this is what everyone is doing for the most part anyways... but the difference should be the details. Posts detailing everthing going on with your plant up to then. Not everyday but every few days or every week or so.

Some ppl are just putting up picture of the grow too with not much detail, either is ok, but consider that someday someone is gonna use this to decide what seeds to buy.

Good luck everyone.



RIU Bulldog
can somebody help me with a problem ? the leaves are curling up ...what i can do ?
Leaves curling is usually fertilizer toxicity, severe ph problems or way too hot. You should flush your medium with 3x water to soil ratio


i don`t give them any nuts yet , the water ph was 7,2 and now i give them water with 6.6... temp is 24 celsius.. heat i don`t have because i use LED


Well-Known Member
can somebody help me with a problem ? the leaves are curling up ...what i can do ?
Post photographs of your plant. Some curl can be natural and some curls can be heat stress related. Nobody can tell without photographs.


I will post the pics when I get home .. The humidity I don't know exactly because today I didn't find where to buy from. Anyway the humidity where I leave is high