Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Well-Known Member
sorry im realllllly high right now LOL. the curls have stoped, dont no why i said overwatering lol. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD


Well-Known Member
he said to nute it, but i had already flushed so i will wait untill dry and then nute it :)
Alright,, so you didn't follow the advice. :shock::confused:

You flushed out the little bit of goodness actually in the soil. Now you're going to wait? For what? (never mind)

Think I'll burn one myself so I can understand better. :wall:


Active Member
lowryder... post some piks of them pubes homie... as far as the motivation strain... well hell... let me get u a link to one of those grown out... my homie grew one last year... this page has one of his vids before harvest... you can flip back or forwards from there to further "investigate"... sorry... totally off subject... sorry... stoned an had to get it off my mind b4 i forgot... lol ;)
OK M.G. Here's a pube shot for you.

Accidentally snapped off a fan leaf while changing the bulb. Bollocks. Oh well.... life goes on lalala lalalala.

Fuck the royal wedding. I'm off to Holland for the weekend :bigjoint: :bigjoint: :bigjoint: Have to remember to water the plants b4 I go.


Well-Known Member
OK ...... Fuck the royal wedding. I'm off to Holland for the weekend :bigjoint: :bigjoint: :bigjoint: Have to remember to water the plants b4 I go.
I can't imagine such a thing! Folks have been camping on the walks for a week already!!
I'll see better on the TV.
(where's the rain when it can make life interesting??)


some pics to share with all my first grow :D the one in the back has some Green/Yellow leaves but isee now is looking more green that in the pictures any sugestion?



Well-Known Member
i would have done what he said, but i flushed and then got his email saying to nute lol. im sorry i am fucked on all this. just really wanna have a sucessful first grow.


Well-Known Member
i would have done what he said, but i flushed and then got his email saying to nute lol. im sorry i am fucked on all this. just really wanna have a sucessful first grow.
And that's going to kill you! (ie; wrongfull thinking)

Could you run a 100 yds. before you crawled?

Expect a decent harvest before you learn to grow?

This is not rocket science,,, but there is a knack to it learned from experience.

Everyone is willing to help (that's what this is about),, but you need to help us with helping you.

I'll be honest with you,, If you come back in 4 days saying all your leaves are turning yellow.......


Well-Known Member
What would cause that?
With you Frenchy, it could be anything.

From how some read it, it was lack of nutrients...

From how I read it, it was too much nutrients...

You need to make a journal and write down everything you do and when you did it...everything.


Well-Known Member
heh My first grow was very stressful too but I am nuts. lol
I ended up getting almost 2oz off a shortrider in an aerogarden.

Then I tried soil, so easy if you get the right stuff.
Now I use cheap $7 for 2.0cu ft Lambert's organic potting soil from home depot and the ultimate grow kit from Nirvana and life is so easy.
I actually got another ultimate grow kit the other day when it was on sale for $17(10 plants worth).

I also made a batch of Subcools Super Soil which is great but cost more money and you need to use bigger pots but it is all organic.