Autoflower grow help me out!


New Member
I have been growing some autos for a while now using a “water only” soil. From seedling it’s been 74 or so days started on June 30th. She’s got some nice sized buds up top. Been using just ph balanced water for a while but then I went to the hydro store and told them about my yellowing leaves, they got me on cal mag and pure blend pro bloom 2-3-5. I have used the nurse twice and watered each time using the cal mag on the first and not the second nute cycle (they said do that at the hydro store they said do it every other week) now my plants are droopy. Also idk what I’m really doing this is my first grow ever



Well-Known Member
Try a diff soil next time maybe.mine at 74 days
Feed autos 1/4 the amount the bottles says
Mines not perfect but worked out better than the water only soil


Well-Known Member
This is one of the best example pic I have seen to go by. When the calyx swells and the pistols recedeDAC8A8C8-FCAF-463B-9D1A-ADA6D0B9930D.png


Well-Known Member
Would start a new one but still keep that one. Why not. No need for light change. One reason I like autos. When one 4 weeks from harvest I start some new ones