Autoflower Outdoor Guerilla Grow- Diesel Ryder & Green-O-Matic


Active Member
I never said that it wasn't good enough for my garden.

yes, I'm inexperienced
yes, I bought a lot of seeds at once
yes, I should have spent less on seeds and more on hardware.

buy hey, you live, you learn.

I'm a newbie that joined the site to learn as much as I could. I am only stating my own opinion. I would think that if you had some type of; knowledge, experience, constructive criticism, or information, to share with a newbie such as myself that you could find a more polite way to go about it. Unless you just feel like being a rude and angry person, in which case, that's fine too.

I'm only rude when people make silly comments about weed because of it's name. What if the best pot on the planet was called "old uncles gray cock". Would you grow it? Or based on the name is it not cool and hip enough? Lol you need to read more and post less. You just invested hundreds of dollars in seeds and equipment. Don't get caught up in the brand names or what's popular. After all the proof is in the smoke not the name.


Active Member
I'm only rude when people make silly comments about weed because of it's name. What if the best pot on the planet was called "old uncles gray cock". Would you grow it? Or based on the name is it not cool and hip enough? Lol you need to read more and post less. You just invested hundreds of dollars in seeds and equipment. Don't get caught up in the brand names or what's popular. After all the proof is in the smoke not the name.
I feel what you're saying. And it makes sense... But I, just like yourself, am entitled to an opinion. And that sir, is no reason to be rude.

"old uncle's gray cock" tbh, I'd rather grow that than something called "fast bud" or "high IQ bud".

also, I do plenty of reading. Plus, all of the posting that I do (until now) has been with the goal of making friends that can share knowledge and insight from experience. And it's been paying off. If you want to share information or help a noob, you're doing it wrong. I'm a noob. Don't be rude to a noob because he is saying noobish things. Help me out instead of jumping down my throat. I'm all ears.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I had your grow scribed and thought I'd check in and see what's up. That sucks about the gf going apeshit over your plants. At least you were able to save a few. I just started a low girl fem from advanced seeds and it's looking like shit. Like it's mutated or something, haha. For some reason it, along with the 3 others I planted (Nirvana Northern Lights) are stretching and are all lanky. I have some pics in my sig. How are those diesel ryder doing? Are they worth the money? I'm thinking about picking up some autos for an early harvest, but I already have over $100 wrapped up in seeds this year and not sure if I wanna blow any more money. I have a single Budda White Dwarf but I think I wanna save it for an indoor grow.


Active Member
hey man thanks for saying hello again. yea it does suck about the ex-gf beast fucking my grow up, but i have great news. I was able to save 3 diesel ryders , 2 of which are showing that they are female, and i have the 3 green-o-matic seeds which are feminized and growing like... welll....weeds :). i am going to the grow site tonight, i will take pictures then. i have been promising them but the last time i took pictures, i couldnt find the download cord for my digital camera! haha... but fear not ive found the cord and i will upload very soon. my guess is with the stress involved the diesel ryders will produce a minimal harvest. under ideal conditions without stupid bitch girl friends... maybe 20 to 35g per plant.

as for as your plants being stringy and streched that is most likely because they are not getting enough light. increase the light intake.

i think for the money its always better to get fem seeds unless you are going to try and breed them (which isnt just as easy and pollenating the females). in the case of joint doctors diessel ryder i would have to give them medium marks. heres the run down for me:

10 regular diesel ryder seeds

8 out of 10 germinated, 2 never popped and were dead seeds

then that fucking ex girl friend tried to toss them out and i lost 5 out of the 8 i had. but even thru all this the 3 diesel ryders i have are growing fast strong and one main cola like advertised. and 2 of the 3 i have left are female, so there is a possiblity for high female ratios with joint doctors diesel ryder. but mine didnt show sex until 25 days. probly because of the stress.

for the money i think the short stuff line of seeds has very promising strains, along with the new nirvana auto strains that are coming out (check the attitude, special sale this weekend!).

a good bargin for fem seeds that grow fast and produce thc at around 12 to 15% (pretty high seeing that most A grade weeds at around 10%thc) would have to be either the green-o-matics or sweet seeds fast buds. 15g to 35g per plant harvest, the fast bud seeds are rated at a 16%thc level. the green-o-matics are strong and fast growing, they germinate quickly. just dont get caught up in the stupid names of them, the devil is in the details :) both harvest in 60 days from seed.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
lookin good i agree on the fem seeds thing regular are a waste of time effort an money my m8 got 1 gal outa 6 regular beans so that made me use fem seeds
good luck with ur grow an + rep


Active Member

updates.. pictures!! the tall one is the female diesel ryder and the others are female green-o-matics. diesel ryder is roughly 36 days old. She just switched to flowering after 4 weeks. shes about 15 inches tall and one main cola. She received the starting flowering nutes... plus bud blood, bud candy, super B etc.. I fed her at half the recommended strength. Just to break her in easy. The green-o-matics are 16-18 days old, still veggin'. They should flower at 30 days give or take. I took a picture of the enclosure too.
Nice. I just got my green o matic to sprout a few days a ago and I put her an inch away from a 26watt cfl and she is doing pretty good. When she gets a third set she goes outside in the summer sun. For nutes I use all organic molassis and fish emulsion and bone meal and starbucks coffe grounds and urine and epsom salt. Oh yeah and I don't have to worry about burning her with those nutes.


Active Member
Oh. And don't be one of those pussies that doesn't finish a journal. We aaaaarrre watchin this.

lol ill try not to be a pussy :) thanks for the pep talk! haha

more pictures..!!:


picture index:
1,3-6, 9 : Joint Doctors Diesel Ryder 51 days old.. strong fuel skunk smell, approx 15 inches tall
2,7,8,10 : Greenhouse Seeds Green-O-Matic, 34 days old, sweet dank smell w/ hints of citrus, approx 12-14 inches tall.

Projected harvest dates:

Diesel Ryder- June 14th to 20th 2010

GOM- June 18th to 23rd 2010
Damn they look good. As you know I'm doing green o matic too. I noticed that they keep a very tight internode space. Hope mine turn out like yours. I love the fact that you get to harvest in just 60 days. I think you should always do an auto strain with your non auto that way u have something to smoke a month or 2 before harvest.
Have u used molasses and epsom salt for nutes yet. If not go for it. Just a table spoon molasses and a tea spoon epson salt to a gallon of distilled water, and water your plants with it. Makes a big difference and won't burn


Active Member
No I haven't tried that yet but on this grow I am using Bud Candy from advanced nutrients, plus I'm using thier Bud Blood product. I think the green o matics have extreme potential with what I've seen thus far. Tight internoding, fast growing, sweet skunk smell and plenty sticky with atleast 3 more weeks to flower. I think they're under estimated by others that care more about a flashy name or the thc being over 20%. Don't get me wrong I love my 20%+ thc weed for night times. But I can't go into a coma on a daily basis. So something in the area of 10% thc is perfect for functioning during work/play hours.
Know what u mean. Sometimes I want to smoke and just watch a movie and relax, so a kush or white rhino somthing like that is fine. But when I want to fuck aa hoe all night like a pornstar I need a head high like jack herer or belladona. Know what I mean.


Active Member
update everyone.. new pictures...

joint doctors diesel ryder- pic - 2, 5, 6, and 7

green o matic - pic - 1, 3 and 4



Thanks for sharing your progress. I'll definitely impressed with the GOM. My first two showed their first pistols yesterday after only 18 days since sprouting from soil and the smell is awesome already. I've held of on auto-flowering until this year and I am impressed thus far.

This broke soil on May 22nd.
Screen shot 2010-06-09 at 7.19.55 PM.png

They don't respond well to stress. My cat ate a few leaves on one and the growth difference between the two was noticeable only after a day or two. Now the cats are banished from the terrace.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Know it's early, but which one you liking better so far GOM or Diesel Ryder? My Low Girl is at around day 40 and I started that White Dwarf and its at around day 22. I'm going to take some new pics next time I'm out and throw them up. The Low Girl has been flowering for about 2 weeks or so. Doing pretty good, but I should have found a better spot for it. Only getting like 4 or 5 hours of direct light. Was pretty much just an experiment, but now that I'm seeing bud in June, I wish I would have put a little more into it, haha. The White Dwarf on the other hand is in an awesome spot and is probably getting a good 7-8 hours of light a day. I was also able to find a guy just up the road who sells Sunshine Mix, so I have the White Dwarf going in that. Expecting much more out of her.

Thats cool yours have a nice smell to them. The Low Girl isn't bad, but it smells kinda schwagy to me.


Active Member
the GOM are impressive for price, quality, and potency. oh yea, and theyre extremely fast.

any free smoke is good smoke my friend.


Active Member
btw with the diesel ryder, you can tell they are ready to be harvested after the 8-9 th week when the leaves start turning purple. harvest this friday everyone. :)