autoflower outdoors - smell?

past times

Well-Known Member
I am thinking about putting one or 2 autos in my backyard but worried about smell a little. I am going to ut it in the middle of my garden (Tomatos and peppers around). THink smell will be an issue? I live in a neighborhood but have a fenced in back yard that is fairly isolated. I have one diesel auto and an ultraviolet....what do you guys think


Well-Known Member
I would think it will depend on where you live and how the climate is really.

if you live somewhere hot, where the plants will get sun all day and grow to potential producing buds galore, then of course they're gonna smell man :)

Obviously you are better off with auto's as they are more likely to grow smaller then a regular photo period strain.

past times

Well-Known Member
hmmmm. I have never grown outside so really not sure what to expect....I grow plenty nside and know how smell is an issue. maybe its not work the risk, bummer

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i've grown several northern lights autos and they have very little odor during the grow. i did have one that smelled to the high heavens. GL