Autoflower plants

Can anybody on here help me with my auto flowering can auto flowering strains turn hermies if they're grown indoors in a tent info asap!!
Can some one tell me what is this I found on my autoflower plant in the middle of the center stem?? It better not be what I think it is!!!



Well-Known Member
They look good, but yea they can hermie just as easy, if not more easy than any other kind.

If youre in the habit of checking your grow daily, then they can't cause too many problems.

I say expect some balls to form and look carefully for them once a day beginning flower. Pick them off and your good. Keep looking for them and "nanners" the whole time.

Check your lower branches first.


Well-Known Member
Fem seeds are relative , I bought a ten pack of Sensi Star ( Fem ) and 3 popped male.
Can't tell from seed alone , until plant shows sex ( also they can stress easy ) and get Hermies. Watch it daily .
All my lights are 6500k right now cfl can I put the 2700k and mix it up a little and would it be good if there just starting to blow out with hairs


Well-Known Member
What's that going to do? And y is it hermies if they are auto fem
technically even if its a hermi it is still a " fem" hermi = female with male flowers .....
it could be genetics or severe stress heat , breaks / root damage , nute burn, or really long periods of dark ( like days straight )