Autoflower question?


Well-Known Member
Does an autoflower continue to stretch and have new vegetative growth once flowering kicks in? or does it stop growing vertically now and just continue to flower?


Active Member
I'm on my first grow now and they are autoflowers. From what I hear, they grow 2-3 times bigger and continue to grow vertically when flowering too.
My option with my first auto stayed small the whole time so I read a little to get the most growth out of it after about two weeks put it units final pot and try to stress it as least as possible and you should be good I'm still figuring autos out just started 3 critical jacks will see how that goes.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
^^ Don't transplant autos. 3gal is perfect for them. Keep them on a 20/4 light cycle and only give bloom nutes.

That's everything you need to know. They'll do the rest


Active Member
Thanks for that info, I was gonna add roots organic buddha grow after 3 weeks, along with trinity, and buddha bloom when ti starts flowering. Might not do the two two and start buddha bloom 4 weeks in.

Germinated in a 3 gal smart pot.

technical dan

Active Member
yep start them in their final pot. Once they sprout they will not do anything interesting for 3 weeks. Pistils should appear at this point (or before) and the plant will start moving a bit give this a week or so and then the plant will haul ass and stretch for the next 2 or so weeks. Then it will slow down an start growing the main cola. The stretch is pretty much over at this point and the plant will focus on forming its top(s) so the main cola or colas if you LST. The plant will not get much taller at this point (maybe a cm or two more but that height comes from bud growth not 'true' vert growth) and the plant has switched from bolting to full on flowering and creating repo. tissue----teh budz.

remember to start your nutes at half or less of what the bottle says.