Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Active Member
View attachment 1288770View attachment 1288772View attachment 1288771
Hey everybody, just thought i'd post an update with some new pics. the first pic is a blue himalaya at 25 days, 2nd pic is the pakistan ryder at day 33 and the 3rd pic is a ak48 at 30 days. Everything seems to be going well, just fed and watered the paki and the ak48 earlier today and the blue himalaya will be gettin her feed in about 2 more days. Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated as usual, thanks and good luck to all..!!!!!...


Wow, Great thread!
Hello everyone, This is my first post here, and its good to see some info on Autoflowering. (I'll hafta take some time to read it all!)
I am currently doing my third grow with AK47 AF lowryders and the first two came out fantastic. This time around I'm going to use
organic molasses.
My 2 girls are about 12 days old, and when they start to flower I'm gonna give 'em the molasses. Am I correct that
you use ½ tsp per gallon of water, once per week?


Active Member
Wow, Great thread!
Hello everyone, This is my first post here, and its good to see some info on Autoflowering. (I'll hafta take some time to read it all!)
I am currently doing my third grow with AK47 AF lowryders and the first two came out fantastic. This time around I'm going to use
organic molasses.
My 2 girls are about 12 days old, and when they start to flower I'm gonna give 'em the molasses. Am I correct that
you use ½ tsp per gallon of water, once per week?
I been givin mine about 1 tblspn per gallon for about 2 weeks now.


Active Member
So its ok to use one tablespoon per gallon of water. Is that the water you give 'em when they need it, or do you just use that mix every two weeks?
i usually put it in everytime they need it. i usually water about every 3 to 5 days. even when i give em nutes, which is every other watering, i use the molasses with it also


i usually put it in everytime they need it. i usually water about every 3 to 5 days. even when i give em nutes, which is every other watering, i use the molasses with it also
Cool, This is the first time I've tried molasses, so thanx for your help. Should I wait till the first flower b4 using it, or is it ok to start now?


Active Member
Cool, This is the first time I've tried molasses, so thanx for your help. Should I wait till the first flower b4 using it, or is it ok to start now?
i started using mine when they had shown sex which was around day 17-20. my oldest one is 33 days and youngest one is 25 days and the middle one is 30 days.


i started using mine when they had shown sex which was around day 17-20. my oldest one is 33 days and youngest one is 25 days and the middle one is 30 days.
Great help b.R. Good luck to you and your triplets, and thanx. Your quick replies mean alot.
Does this look like the start of N deficiency? I have already upped the nutes a little. will the leaves go back to green or should I pluck them off.View attachment 1281346
That yellowing effect looks almost exactly like my plants, except you're 1-2 weeks further into the growth cycle. I was recently told this was a Nitrogen problem, and have added a Nitrogen-rich nutrient to the watering. Too early to tell if this helps, but the problem has been persistent and somewhat troubling for 3 weeks, even if the plants otherwise look OK. My deficiency is more widespread, but generally sticks to the lowest branches.

New member here, this is the best Autoflowering resource I've found on the net, so it's very useful and welcome. AF growers need to congregate!


Well-Known Member
Here is a update on my 38 day old auto's. Ive come to the decision that I will not grow autos indoors again. They just do not produce enough for the amount of energy used. But I will through a bunch of seeds out in my garden this spring.

Not trying to Hijack your post (They look great Hellbillie), but today i am building my MacGuyver Computer Desk to Grow Box conversion. Will post pictures soon.
You're making them stretch way too much hellbillie, of course they're not going to be netting you more than a zone per plant when they're using half of their energy to stretch for the light.

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Well now Im out of seeds from the breeder pack of Diesel Ryder I bought a while ago. So after drying 4 days, I weighed my girl. 18g. Thats so much less than my first grow but hey, I guess thats what a 1 gallon pot will get ya. That and about 80 beans. Take that Joint Doctor.
Had my first taste of her a little bit ago. It was the first smoke since I harvested. And I smoke often. It definitly smelled diesel like. Not too skunky. Dried buds looked good and dense. Not rock hard cause I only grow with a 250 but not fluffy at all. I think it needs to cure for at least 2 weeks to get that pine smell remants from it. It was surprisingly not too harsh. I figured it would be as it hasnt cured at all and my last girl's first smoke was let's just say rough around the edges. Its not a couch like stone. It was onset pretty instantly and l could really notice it (when I thought about it) a good 30 minutes or so. Not a mello high. I find myself thinking quickly and focused about a certain thing, as random as it may be. It lasted a total of an hour I'd say.
Overall I would give it a 7/10. It was not as quick a grow as I thought it would be. I harvested at day 75 and I wish I would have fed her up till week 10. I stopped feeding her and just gave her water since day 43 because I thought it would be done at day 60 or so. If I grow it again I will feed her till week 10 and probably flower her till day 80. Also, the bigger the grow pot the better. This 1 gallon gave me 18g. My 6 gallon hydro gave me 42g. It was really easy as hell to grow. I giver her a 7 as I am looking for more of a couch lock stone but I still like it a lot.
Onto the next one...Blueberry Jam.



Well-Known Member
You're making them stretch way too much hellbillie, of course they're not going to be netting you more than a zone per plant when they're using half of their energy to stretch for the light.
I lift the light to take the picture, the lights sit about 2 inches from them. All my other strains look great, just not these.


Active Member
View attachment 1296127View attachment 1296128View attachment 1296126
Hey everybody, just thought i would give everbody an update on the progress on my 3 girls. The first pic is the ak48 at 34 days. The 2nd pic is the blue himalaya at 29 days and the 3rd pic is the pakistan ryder at 37 days. The 4thc is just a group shot i took. I think they are coming along pretty well, but, as always, if there are any comments or suggestions, they are greatly appreciated. hope everyone has a great day and good luck to all.....


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1296127View attachment 1296128View attachment 1296126
Hey everybody, just thought i would give everbody an update on the progress on my 3 girls. The first pic is the ak48 at 34 days. The 2nd pic is the blue himalaya at 29 days and the 3rd pic is the pakistan ryder at 37 days. The 4thc is just a group shot i took. I think they are coming along pretty well, but, as always, if there are any comments or suggestions, they are greatly appreciated. hope everyone has a great day and good luck to all.....
looking good br I've got my eye on that himalaya