Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
So did you ever hear back from Paradise? I order a pack of Automaria II about a month or two ago and it came with a pack of 3 Pandora. They are going to be part of my outdoor grow this summer that I was planning on starting in a few weeks. I'll be pretty pissed if they don't auto. I grew Easy Ryder last summer and it started flowering after about 3 weeks. They turned out pretty well so I thought I'd incorporate some more in this year.

I wasn't up till 2am to call today. I do see some pistils starting to show at day 30 though. I can't confirm as it's too early but give me another day or two.



Well-Known Member
Personally I don't trim I just methodically tuck larger fan leaves to allow more light to budsites
Thats what I do with my regular plants, once a tip grows up to a fan leaf I tuck the fan leaf under. I also tuck the fan leaf under smaller leaves if I can (but not so much that the fan leaf isn't still very horizontal).


Well-Known Member
I wasn't up till 2am to call today. I do see some pistils starting to show at day 30 though. I can't confirm as it's too early but give me another day or two.

That's a good sign. As far as I understand, Paradise is a stand-up breeder, so when I ordered the seeds I didn't even stop to question the quality. After reading your post, I did a little more digging and found a grow on another forum where only 2 of 5 autoflowered. Other than that, how do they look?

Actually, maybe taking a little longer than 3 weeks to flower is a good thing in my case. Give a little more veg time, but still have fresh outdoor bud come late june/early july.


Active Member
How does it look? Temps average 85F with box closed all day, 80F if i leave it slightly open. Humidity 30%, The one on the right is on day 70 i think and the one on the right is on day 76. They started out heat stressed to the fullest. Temps were close to 90-95F all day.. Yea i know thats really bad, but they survived and this is where am at after some changes. [video=youtube;SHFwf3GO5Pw][/video]

irish farmer

Active Member
I have 2 super cali haze, I was on here a few weeks back saying they havent autoed yet. Wel the story is I left them under 18 hrs of light for a while to see and 1 has started to flower happy days.


Active Member
*sigh* purple gems dont come feminised :( ive seen a way to tell sex early on regular plants by taking a clone and then putting the clone under 12/12 lights to determine sex so you dont waste time/space/light on males.......any similair ways with autos???


Well-Known Member
I have 2 super cali haze, I was on here a few weeks back saying they havent autoed yet. Wel the story is I left them under 18 hrs of light for a while to see and 1 has started to flower happy days.
Hey im contemplating on getting super cali haze for the outdoor season.:)
Have you grown this strain before?


Active Member
hi all... i have 2x Lowryder 2 AF. Soil, 600w HPS, Tap water, had some issues with temps a while ago but things are on track now at min 65 max 90.

Seeds from :

My lowryders have been through some shit given it is my first grow, they are beutiful plants about 18 inches tall.... they sexed 2 weeks ago both girls.

i havent seen much budding.... plenty of bud sites, but not a REAL bud in sight....???

Planted them on 27th Jnauary... in soil on the 28th.... broke ground on the first of february...... so that means they are almost 2 months old today....

Is it just me or is this taking a real long time?

So... the pics attached are not in order, but you will see from them the problems i had along the way, temps, overwatering, potbound, replanting etc etc etc....

I just wanna know if im wasting my time, will these things ever produce the goods?

PS: In some of those pics there might be a third plant....disregard, as i think its about to show balls.



Well-Known Member
Hey Auto flower growers, I just got the address to where the voting will be taking place for the AUTO FLOWER MORTAL COMBAT COMPETITION. To make the competition fair, we all had to wait until the address was posted:) I'm asking that anyone that would like to check out and support not only my Joni "Warrior Destroyer" but all the participants in the competition, click on the link below. It should be very entertaining:) THANKS

Here's a picture of my auto blue mystic: JONI "Warrior Destroyer"

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