Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
I never thought I would see someone say to breed with hermies. I mean actually suggest it to be a positive thing. You will get hermies breeding with hermies. Sure they will be mostly female, but with males parts through out. Maybe not the whole grow, but you will get some bananas on those bitches at some point. Of course, with a lot of time and patience and selective breeding of the few that get less male parts than others until you get none can be done, it just takes a while. You can pollinate with a hermie and get a male plant.
I never thought I would see someone say to breed with hermies. I mean actually suggest it to be a positive thing. You will get hermies breeding with hermies. Sure they will be mostly female, but with males parts through out. Maybe not the whole grow, but you will get some bananas on those bitches at some point. Of course, with a lot of time and patience and selective breeding of the few that get less male parts than others until you get none can be done, it just takes a while. You can pollinate with a hermie and get a male plant.
thats long


Active Member
thats long
Hey again all my friends! My auto still arent growing very much, but I'm not worried just yet. All four of them are stayin small, and my other plants are growing, so I dont think its anything I'm doing wrong. Maybe just a slow starting strain, no-one seems to know anything about it.

On another note, I would like to warn you all about mr sticky thumb. Please check out the link below. It is one of the threads I am subscribed to and the last 10 pages are filled with his offensive ignorance. Even if you dont want to read the thread, please dont listen to any of his advice. All he will manage to do is help you kill your plants. Happy growing all!


Well-Known Member
Sweet Seeds Fast Bud- Taste: Spicey, stays on your tongue for a little while too which is nice. Buzz: Pretty decent Sativa dominant hybrid buzz, nice head buzz, but you can feel the indica body stuff going on too. It helps my nausea, which makes me give it a B+, or a 7 out of 10. Eh, maybe 6.5/10. Medicinal Use:B+, helps with nausea, and anxiety. Fuck you up: B, could be more potent. I think thats an accurate and clear way to put it. This is how mine turned out anyway, it had a little while to go still, so Im very impressed with the potency. I said it could be more potent, but thats reviewing it overall against other stuff. And Im noticing now a bit of a creeper effect. I just pulled down a few bongs about 15 minutes ago, and it just recently kicked in all the way I would say.


Well-Known Member
Some pics of my auto-ak47's, 2 weeks old (hopefully you'l be able to see them, used imageshack as i couldnt be bothered to work out how to upload to here). Apologies for the low picture quality, still getting used to my new camera. Anyone able to confirm my suspicion that the damage in the last pic is probably caused my thrips? Im pretty sure it is, as when I brush the leaves I get tiny little things appearing to float away. Other than that im pretty pleased with how things are going.



Well-Known Member
Thanks dude. Im pretty sure it is thrips, like I said, when I shake the leaves I see some very small things fly away (they almost look like they're jumping. Ive got some organic bug killer im gonna try, but that stuff you suggested has been bookmarked for future use. Cheers, B :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Some better pics of my girls (they've all showed now and are defo female) now ive worked out how to use my new camera.

and one 'its a girl' pic :-D


Well-Known Member
A pic of my flower power, I took this on day 32 or 33 I dont remember which. Its day 35 now. I LST'd her so the lower branches would get more light. Thats why the top is to the side of the potter and the rest of the plant. More pics on my flower power thread in my signature.:leaf:
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Active Member
Damn those all look nice. Heres my males, which should I use, tho stretchy one thats a bit ahead or the squater one with closer nodes. They always say closer nodes denser buds, but with autos Im tempted to go with taller. These are 27 days from seed. 24 days old :-(