Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
Let's get this shit back on track, ignore the asshats!
Bigby, you are a cool cat man. Rep to you brotha

Lowlife Auto Ak47 "christmas tree pheno" day 65
I start flushing today :)




Active Member
If your going to use tap water, run it into an open top container and leave it stand over night then use bicarb soda/baking powder to drop the ph. You'll need to add around 3/4tsp per liter but you can check this yourself with your litmus paper. Hope that helps you!

p.s you need to leave the water stand over night for the chloride etc. to evaporate!

Happy Growing
HOPE NOBODY TOOK THAT ADVICE!!! LOL, BICARB RAISES PH. And I think you mean chlorine evaporates...


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm wondering about foliar feeding. Is it worth it for auto's? and can it still cause nute burn?


Well-Known Member
I have never used foliar feeding or misting of any kind. I read not to unless it is necessary. It can cause many problems such as mold and other fun stuff.


Well-Known Member
Let's get this shit back on track, ignore the asshats!
Bigby, you are a cool cat man. Rep to you brotha

Lowlife Auto Ak47 "christmas tree pheno" day 65
I start flushing today :)


Thanks man. Peace out. Appreciate the kind words.

Oh and Merry Christmas ;-) - she's beautiful :blsmoke:


HOPE NOBODY TOOK THAT ADVICE!!! LOL, BICARB RAISES PH. And I think you mean chlorine evaporates...
My bad on the bicarb mate but baking soda neutralizes ph in either acid or alkaline. Chloride is an element of chlorine and is found in tap water along with sulfate, fluorine and a hole host of other shit lol!



Active Member
Isnt chloride salt? Bicarb is baking soda, I know its a buffer, but didnt think it would lower ph, thought it increased.


It does both, my tap water is ph8 and the baking soda takes it to ph7.
Sodium Chloride is salt, it's just the chloride in the water.


Well-Known Member
o my baking soda raise your ph. not lowers its. i use it to raise my ph when it to low. it will not lower your ph. you half to have an acid to lower it. lemon juice its a naturel lowerer. but wont stay for long periods of time. that why i use ph lower from the hydro store.
It does both, my tap water is ph8 and the baking soda takes it to ph7.
Sodium Chloride is salt, it's just the chloride in the water.
can any 1 help me you know that the lowryder is an auto so do you still use two blues ie blue then red bloom and what can you feed the is it still a high p weed cos there funny to nuits so ave read .


Active Member
I know man, you didnt accuse me of anything - you were simply explaining, I understand. No worries. :peace:

Im still on my first grow, but have been researching loads, so will base my answer on that. From what I can tell, auto flower strains seem to grow best indoors for some reason - of course there are exceptions, and im sure many members will volunteer pictures of their successful outdoor grows to prove this. It seems that the more intense the light, and the longer the light is on the plants in each 24 hour period combined with an adequately sized pot (at least a gallon, preferably bigger) are the major factors in deciding how well a plant will do. How many hours of daylight do you get each day where you are? Because if its say 14, then you are clearly not likely to get a plant as big as someone who's plant gets 6 hours more every 24 hours. However, with all that said, no matter how high the quality of the genetics of any particular strain there will always be some seeds that produce runty plants that stay small. Of the 5 seeds I put in to germ, four split, all of these popped above the soil, but one simply didnt develop like the others. I threw it out in order to concentrate on the others, but im sure that of id kept it then that plant probably would have been a midget. Hope that has offered some food for thought. :peace:
Well right now its just under 16 hours light per day, I think I waited to long to transplant and when I did the soil was dry and moving around. Thanks for the reply and good luck with your ladies.
cos am getting 10 mixed lowryders geting 10 5 litres pots and potting compost will photo when germanated any help first time a grew these lol


Well-Known Member
are talking the spectruims of light, blue is for veg red is for flower, but with autos the veg time is so short that blue is really not needed. i just use my hps all the way through. now if your using soil buy, i buy f.f .( O.F.) it has enough nutes to last through veg time. then start them on flower nute when time.
can any 1 help me you know that the lowryder is an auto so do you still use two blues ie blue then red bloom and what can you feed the is it still a high p weed cos there funny to nuits so ave read .


Well-Known Member
lemon juice its a naturel lowerer. but wont stay for long periods of time. that why i use ph lower from the hydro store.
Ooh, really? Ive been using lemon juice to lower my ph, and then watering with it straight after. Do you think the lemon juice will dissipate in the soil and gradually raise the soils ph? Your opinion on this would be gratefully received. Ta. :peace:


Well-Known Member
are talking the spectruims of light, blue is for veg red is for flower, but with autos the veg time is so short that blue is really not needed. i just use my hps all the way through. now if your using soil buy, i buy f.f .( O.F.) it has enough nutes to last through veg time. then start them on flower nute when time.
I highly disagree. To get the largest plant/yield I would highly advise using a blue spectrum the first 2-3 weeks. Without it your plants won't veg to a decent height and you won't yield as much



Active Member
no prob dude! from what ive gathered N.L isnt that big of a stanker but you cant be sure until their flowering in front of u. I can tell you that so far 10 of them have little to no smell right now and they are 28 days old. I know that they arent flowering but hope it helps a little. How many are you growing? If a few then I would just buy a quart of ONA Gel and that should be suffcient enough as the stuff works like a champ! I can vouch for it. An its only 16.99$ from
I only have 3 going right now as this is my first grow and I figured if I was going to screw them up better that it is 3 and not 5 or more. I am not doing too bad of a job though and typically I am my toughest critic. Ona Gel is something that I was looking into but we will see I guess. I know my local hydro store carries it, so I may just pick some up then that way if they do start to smell I have it on hand. They can stink up the closet I have them in all they want but I can't have the smell going outside of the room with the closet. The reason I decided to do the NL first too was cause I had heard it was supposed to be a low odor strain and good for beginners because it can take some abuse.

Once I get more cash to pour into my future grows I am going to build a cab or get a tent and connect one of the DIY carbon filters so I can get some stinky strains going without having to worry about it. But that won't be at least for several more months so I am hoping what I yield off this grow can keep me happy for a bit at least.


Well-Known Member
How much can I yield from these? 4 Nirvana Short Riders:joint:



Active Member
dude im growing one short rider right now and its looks alot bushier by a ton than all those put together how far away are your lights from those i dont know man your not gonna yield much you should get that light closer if you can ....