Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! Don't mind the questions at all. I never really measured them, but I'd say the one I cut was probably about 18"-20". Not quite two feet. The remaining one is a little bigger.

The "cliff notes" version of my grow is I started them early July inside under fluoros for about 3 weeks in the small 9 oz beer cups until they showed sex. After that I transfered them to 2 gallon buckets and took them out to my patch. Actually the one I chopped today was in a 2.5 gallon bucket. I'd say they get close to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day. I really lucked out these past few weeks it's been cooler and nothing but sun. Been feeding with 1/2 strength Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom about once a week and they've been loving it. Fed them once with 1/2 strength Grow after 3 weeks. In retrospect, I think 3 gallon buckets (or in the ground w/ about 3 gallons worth of soil) might be better. I wouldn't go as far as saying the two I picked were terribly root bound, but it was definitely getting tight in there. I'm satisfied so far, but I'm a little surprised they aren't bigger, especially with the awesome weather I've been having. Not sure how other guys are doing it, but I've seen other Easy Ryders and some Diesel Ryders grown inside that dwarf mine.

Well man, really the only thing I can think of that would give you bigger plants is to not leave them in the 9oz cups for so long. I use 16oz cups, and even in those they are slightly root bound by the time they show sex, but that is how I want it to restrict height. I would say start them in some 1gal or 8" pots, which sucks for all the males but will give you a bigger plant overall. If you dont start them in larger containers, just make sure to transplant to something larger then the 9oz cup by the time the 2nd set of real leaves comes in.

Just my 2 cents, I still think they are freakin SEXY!! :)



Active Member
Well man, really the only thing I can think of that would give you bigger plants is to not leave them in the 9oz cups for so long. I use 16oz cups, and even in those they are slightly root bound by the time they show sex, but that is how I want it to restrict height. I would say start them in some 1gal or 8" pots, which sucks for all the males but will give you a bigger plant overall. If you dont start them in larger containers, just make sure to transplant to something larger then the 9oz cup by the time the 2nd set of real leaves comes in.

Just my 2 cents, I still think they are freakin SEXY!! :)

u should always use the biggest pots possible.


Well-Known Member
Well man, really the only thing I can think of that would give you bigger plants is to not leave them in the 9oz cups for so long. I use 16oz cups, and even in those they are slightly root bound by the time they show sex, but that is how I want it to restrict height. I would say start them in some 1gal or 8" pots, which sucks for all the males but will give you a bigger plant overall. If you dont start them in larger containers, just make sure to transplant to something larger then the 9oz cup by the time the 2nd set of real leaves comes in.

Just my 2 cents, I still think they are freakin SEXY!! :)

Good point. Now that I think about it the roots were a little tight when I transplanted. Reason I went with smaller cups is because my seedling area is sort of small and my fluoros are only 2' long. Not sure when my next grow will be, but I'm definitely going to change my setup.

Forgot to mention they got dry and a little heat stressed when I went to the beach in July. I was only suppose to go for 3 days, so I thought they would be fine, but I ended up staying 2 extra days. When I got back one was fine, but two were lightly damaged. That no doubt stunted the growth a little. But oh well, I'm not complaining, they turned out alright. This was actually an experiment with autos and a side project for me and my brother while he was home for school. Figured anything I got from it would be a bonus in addition to my main grow. I was shooting for 2 oz between the three plants, but might fall a little under the mark unless this last one really packs on the weight in the next week or so.


Well-Known Member
u should always use the biggest pots possible.
Kind of vague dont ya think? I mean, biggest USABLE pots maybe, but not biggest pots possible. No need to put an AF strain in a 30gal outdoor pot :) In fact, I think most AF strains would have a damn hard time filling a 5gal bucket considering all of the ones I have grown in 3gal bags barely had time for roots to hit the bottom.

I assume what you meant was skip the transplanting and start them in their final pots, which is definitely the best way to go for yield, but sometimes its not as easy as that. Space requirements, let alone the soil and water wasted on the males vs. starting them in something much smaller can become tiresome when you have a decent amount of plants to tend to.

Personally I like to grow one strain for a while and get an idea of around when the roots fill a 16oz cup enough to hold the soil together for a transplant. For my Diesel Ryders it is right at 2 weeks give or take a couple days. So usually at day 16 I will pop them in their final pots, when the roots havent even started to circle the bottom yet, but have filled most of the container and can easily hold all the soil together. Because by week 3 they are starting too become root bound.



Well-Known Member
Well man, really the only thing I can think of that would give you bigger plants is to not leave them in the 9oz cups for so long. I use 16oz cups, and even in those they are slightly root bound by the time they show sex, but that is how I want it to restrict height. I would say start them in some 1gal or 8" pots, which sucks for all the males but will give you a bigger plant overall. If you dont start them in larger containers, just make sure to transplant to something larger then the 9oz cup by the time the 2nd set of real leaves comes in.

Just my 2 cents, I still think they are freakin SEXY!! :)

I have 5 ERs growing currently between 2-3 weeks in age, and my oldest only started growing hairs on day 18. You can see the pics from the journal I've been keeping, but by day 18 her leaves pretty much fill the entire width of the square 2-gallon pots I'm growing them in (which are 9" by 9" I believe), and she's VERY full, so i can't even imagine her being in a plastic cup of any size at 3 weeks. That had to have stunted her growth some, although like I said, those are some beautiful looking plants and I'll be the happiest guy around if mine are anything remotely like that at harvest. BTW I planted directly into the 2-gallon pots since I had the setup for it, which from all of my research was the size that almost everybody recommended for them (and all the room I had for them really). However, it sounds like 3-gallons would be better, and mine might suffer a little for it down the stretch.
i not long did some green-o-matic used 5 femenised seeds realy cheap 22 pound and grew them outside through the summer they all took 10 weeks seed to harvest and were all 30cm (1ft) tall and yielded an ounce dried weight each not a bad smoke and very easy to grow would suggest to anyone i used biobizz nutes by the way


Well-Known Member
So is it better to just plant the seed straight into the final pot?
People do, but there are a few reasons why I think starting in a smaller pot is better. For me, the biggest reason is that it takes up too much room. Second, is the potential to waste soil. Some people won't reuse soil under any circumstance, so even if you start seeds and some don't come up, that's a lot of wasted soil. Third, which I think a lot of people forget, is that with a big pot it takes forever to dry with a seedling. A big plant sucks up a lot of water, but seedlings don't really use much.

Personally I think it's a matter of preference. Just don't keep it in a container that's too small for too long and try not to transplant more than once.


Woohoo, the first of my Easy Ryders from my first grow started flowering yesterday on day 19 :D. She has very tight internodal spacing packed with pre-flowers, and should be a good producer if she stays on course. My other 4 Easy Ryders were planted 5 days later, and one of those is just on the verge of flowering at day 14. The other 3 are growing a little bit slower and are still several days away, but all 5 that I germinated and planted are very healthy and doing great :).

Sarah (Easy Ryder) - Day 19
View attachment 1143373View attachment 1143374View attachment 1143375
Nice pics. What kind of camera are you using? Obviously its on macro


Well-Known Member
I've harvested half of my lowlife white russian, I did 9 total under 1 400w HPS. one plant was heavily pollinated. I have 4 left that need to be cut, and they look like they're going to give me at least another 3.5 ounces not including the seedy one. from the 5 that are dry and curing, I got a little over 4.5 ounces. so I'm looking at around 8 ounces, plus some seedy weed. The smoke is great, it smells awesome tastes great and gets me reeaaallly high. In my opinion it's just as good as any high end non-auto pot that I've ever bought. My last grow was lowlife auto ak47, and the white russian wins hands down. I'm glad I pollinated because I will definitely be growing this strain again.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
annoyed earthquake done damage to Cobra u think she will be ok?
it fell over

trippy shit aye i got gold xD casting off seed (autoStoned)Lowryder x Rosetta Stone / Kush


Well two of my AK47 Autoflowering plants have sprouted, 1 didn't. They're in the greenhouse just now but will be moved in doors today. 600w hps in 3 gallon pots, hopefully I can get an ok yield for my 1st grow :D