Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
well i'm going to share some pics i have. Can't and won't answer any questions about these pics. I would never do anything like this. :-) but you will shit at this set up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Promise....

Lets start at the beginning:

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right room or 'room 1'

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left room or 'room 2'

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room 1 from inside (showing closet)

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both rooms after painting and new linoleum floors.

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light fixture: Removed and split to have to fixtures for green bulbs.
Windows: Covered with 5/8 particle board, painted black on the outside

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from inside room 2 showing closet with attic access.

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starting the "panda poly" wrapping of the rooms

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light movers (lightrail 3.5) in each room

two one thousand watt lights (one in each room) being cooled by:
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these where both filled with stirofoam and packing peanuts, sealed and put in the attic. You'll see the hose in later pics.

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soooo.... That gives you a good idea of the two rooms, they are identical, both have two 7'x40" tables on wheels (shown in future pics).

What does this have to do with auto flowering you might be asking. Well here is the answer

room 1
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room 2
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(room 2 is still waiting on it's filter, but at this stage, no hurry, it's in the mail :-)

there are some older female auto "lemon skunk" in room 1 (left hand sde of pics above) and then there are ten future mothers (photo type, not auto) 2 each off to the right in the pics above (kush, white widow, white berry, 4-way, and isis).

All the rest are auto-flower...... Mostly ak-47 (about 320), also started 10 each of "ak47+hindu kush" and "ak-47+blue berry" from "lowlife" (thru 'attitude'), be seeding out two to three of the biggest females of both groups.

The rooms can support 128 in 7" square pots, that means, of the 320 ak's, only about 110 will be kept, figure 50/50 on the male to female ratio, that leaves 160 females, and only the 110 of the strongest will be going to the finish line :-))))) the balance will be the female blue berry and kush auto's. Have a breeding plan in place for both strains.

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five green bulbs, two for each room (to use during lights out), and one for the hallway.

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all i can say is "that's one lucky son-of-a-bitch"
bumbuhclot!!! That is what i call a real dedicated grower!!!!! If poss. Can you please keep us updated with this grow show!!!! Peace!!


Well-Known Member
very nice rooms shouldnt need the green lights for the autos. whould like to see more pic later on in the grow ..please


bumbuhclot!!! That is what i call a real dedicated grower!!!!! If poss. Can you please keep us updated with this grow show!!!! Peace!!
Talked to my buddy and he has no problem with me updating. And I can answer questions. This is the guy I've mentioned in past posts that has a legal grow at home. This is not that grow, he has a second house. A few of the Lemon Skunks were moved over here, so he can 12/12 the ones that didn't 'auto'.

very nice rooms shouldnt need the green lights for the autos. whould like to see more pic later on in the grow ..please
I know, but there is a LONG story behind that, the short of it is, he doesn't believe these AK seeds are going to 'auto' like they should. started six, then six more from his last batch of AK seeds (~550), only one (in the first batch) even looked like it was going to auto, but it turned out it just pre-budded and stopped. So the plan is (if they mostly are not showing) to 12/12 at week 4. He'll move the true autos (blue berry, and H.Kush both crossed with AK) back to his house.

which in a way works out anyway, because he just cut clones from all those mothers sitting on the table (12"-22" tall), and wants to 12/12 the mothers for some variety.

I guess I could explain why he believes these AK won't auto now, may start a conversation on whether this is possible or maybe one of you may know what the problem really is.
The original batch of seeds came from a friend who had been growing them for years, he gave him about 100. He started them, at different location, that was NO WHERE near as nice. and there were issues during the grow. He planted all 100, and got 62 females, they ALL auto'd just fine. but the issues I spoke of are numerous, but it reached over 100 a couple of times, they got water stressed quite a few times, temps rarely got below 85.

So the thinking is: this may have stressed the mothers out to much and screwed up the genetics. because like I've said, both times he tried to start a batch from the seeds from that grow, they are not auto'ing.

any thoughts on this???

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
sup Heres my Cobra and Stoned (good stuff guys)
i zoomed right up is that a seed but its so tiny should i be worried its the only weird looking thing on the plant do females produce any seeds?
or what could it be (any one) the Stoned is kinda freaky its lanky xD



Well-Known Member
yeah thats the one it is mixed sex but I want to produce seeds at some point and try my hand at breeding.
for sure, i got a pack in march and since then out of 18, i've had 13 females, no joke. also, there are some experimental strains in there that are fucking unstable and will herm from the start. i just picked off the male flowers and still had a sinsemilla harvest


Here are two auto's, what do you think? Their both on day 45 from seed, I'm hoping the buds really fatten up some. Both plants were topped at different times.

The Joint Doctors Easyryder
(Ak47 x Lowryder #2)

Easyryder day 45_2.jpg
Easyryder day 45.jpg

Short Stuff Seedbank - Blue Himalaya Diesel
(Blueberry X Kush X NYC Diesel)

Blueberry NYC Diesel Day 45.jpg

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
Cobra and Stoned :weed:
The stoned is getting big amd lanky crazy roots:leaf:
lol gave them sun and 3 cfl lamps at same time an extra boost




Well-Known Member
Well I believe I have one male showing his little nuts alreadymale.jpgmale (2).jpg:hump:. I want to collect pollen any way and he looks healthy and has no problem flowering under 24 hour light. I am completely fascinated with the auto stains. I will never grow from bagseed again.


Here are two auto's, what do you think? Their both on day 45 from seed, I'm hoping the buds really fatten up some. Both plants were topped at different times.

The Joint Doctors Easyryder
(Ak47 x Lowryder #2)

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Short Stuff Seedbank - Blue Himalaya Diesel
(Blueberry X Kush X NYC Diesel)

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HEY are you growing with LED's? if so what kind, wattage etc. and how many pkants do you have under them...their looking good...