

Active Member
Thx for stoppin by Moose,wait till you see this cfl grow,pics coming saturday.Scared to put the 1000 watt on,might draw some kind of attraction and things are gone real good,stinky,and frosty


Well-Known Member
Whats the size of that rubbermaid container? You aren't afraid of them getting root bound? MOST strains dont like to have intertwined roots, especially not with other strains.....I can't imagine fine tuning your nutes is gonna be that easy..I would love to see how this works out for you...Hopefully you'll jsut have practically one bud coming out the top of that that's the case then shit, I'lll just throw like 8 bleu cheese clones in a rubbermaid and throw 'em under the 400w.

How many CFL's you got on this grow your talkin' bout? why not just use the 1000 and grow like 25 lollipops?:peace:

-moose :leaf:


Active Member
Whats the size of that rubbermaid container? You aren't afraid of them getting root bound? MOST strains dont like to have intertwined roots, especially not with other strains.....I can't imagine fine tuning your nutes is gonna be that easy..I would love to see how this works out for you...Hopefully you'll jsut have practically one bud coming out the top of that that's the case then shit, I'lll just throw like 8 bleu cheese clones in a rubbermaid and throw 'em under the 400w.

How many CFL's you got on this grow your talkin' bout? why not just use the 1000 and grow like 25 lollipops?:peace:

-moose :leaf:
I only tried this method out at the last minute,I bought 25 1 gallon containers,but had an idea to try it this way,kinda like a nola sea of green method.Due to the ladies being so small and compact(all but 1(real big and branchy)I thought room was not an issue for a trial basis.But now to the goodies,1 week left on nutes for 1 set(of 4) and 2 weeks left for the other set(of 6)
I took pictures,but having trouble after changing picture settings,dam,I will take new ones tonight and post them.


Active Member
Oh yea,I forgot.I don't remember the size of the container moose,sorry.I'll see if I can find out,if not,maybe measurments.


Active Member
I only tried this method out at the last minute,I bought 25 1 gallon containers,but had an idea to try it this way,kinda like a nola sea of green method.Due to the ladies being so small and compact(all but 1(real big and branchy)I thought room was not an issue for a trial basis.But now to the goodies,1 week left on nutes for 1 set(of 4) and 2 weeks left for the other set(of 6)
I took pictures,but having trouble after changing picture settings,dam,I will take new ones tonight and post them.
I plugged up the 1000 watt hps and it rose the heat by 12 degrees,I shut it down after 20 minutes before too much harm.I have (2) 2' 2g11(2700k and 6400k) 4 pin(but will get 2 more(not alot of wattage) thats it.I have ona gel pro,an activated carbon inline fan and filter, and carbon hepa fan are my latest pics,hopefully they come out well this time



Active Member
what are the problems judging by the pictures of these auto flowers from dope seeds.
here's the stats:
lava rock and course vermiculite soil less medium
growing under a growtek cfl t5 24"dual tube(x2) 6000k
ph is on the high side,(kentwood water)the ph meter is late
just started adv nutes sensi 2+ yesterday

the ones on the left are a week old mi5 from dopebeans and the other older ones(2 weeks) are a mix of short stuff and onyx from same place.

here's my philosophy,besides the fact that the ph has just been adjusted and adv nutes just begun at probably less than 1/3 strenght,I think that in the auto rudalis nutes must be applied alot quicker than regular strains,but I'm no pro.
So let me here what u think are a few problems and how you correct this.

not too bad on (2) 2' 55 watt 6000k bulbs in the beginning and 2 3000k bulbs as well,then bought another 2' 2g11 with 6400k bulbs and bought 2 2700k 2g11's separate for extra lite.A submise says it be at 2 more and try to add a 150-250 watt hps in the center,but nola won't know till a sample is taken.
a few more pics



Active Member
Looking alot better it seems lack of nutes was the problem. A couple do have a little curling going on, keep an eye on em don't overwater them.
that is an unfamiliar territory for me,I thought the curling was due to the heat.I don't know all,but I do know a little from past trials and present info from RIU (thx guys n girls).This was the first time that this was attempted,8-10 from seed auto's were not available then and the room that was used was wide open,so never any problems unless over nuted.All is great,last lady is finally exploding,but will probably be a week behind,but well worth the wait,branches and buds popping up everywhere( I was scared she wouldn't make it,but :hump: :clap: but she is rollin along.
I hope all enjoy this thread,start date from seed was 10/14/09,today is 12/8/09 and only 2 weeks left for completion(next to the 4 days turning out the light).
I saw a thread from a poster about a dryer,man that looks like a must for this party of ladies and then it will be time to :weed: :joint:.
peace out guys and thx for checking back,I will post more pics as they come


Active Member
Judjing by what you see,how much time would you say is left on these ladies.The top hairs are turning to a golden color.I heard that when the hairs turn colors half way through the bud,it is then time to choppem.
If anyone wants to enlighten me on when is the best time to choppem?thx

OH Yea,beautifull,frosty,sticky,and smellllllllllllllllllllllllllly,but all is under control,without any problems thanks to the help from the brothers and sisters of RIU.



Well-Known Member
plants are looking delicious, they sure have come a long way quick! I just got my 5 feminized blue himalaya diesel seeds so i cant wait to start them, I might just do this one big rubbermaid container thing, seems to be working out, the plants sacrifice a little cuz of the different pheno's and responses to nutes, but overall with different strains even, things are looking good.

Also thanks a lot for the link for the light! I'm almost definitlety gonna be investing, once it hits deep winter im gonna hit the 400 and the 250w Hps on and let these babies BOOM..:weed:nice work!

Also you should definitley invest into a microscope you can get one at radioshack or amazon for like 10 bucks. It all depends on how you like your smoke. Or if it's for medical purpose, what your helping.

-Clear trichomes-Super head high-sometimes gets you a little paranoid, not a good smoke for anxiety, but definitley gets you up and out the door!

-Milky trichomes-more of a STOOOONED buzz-gets you feeling nice, good for anxiety/depression I usually harvest my sativas when they are milky because sativas genetically give you more of a head high.

-Amber trichomes-My personal favorite, really helps me with my knees and my back, also reall good for anxiety, it's the TRUE couclock. like you take one hit from your bowl, and a half hour goes by, suddenly you many hits was that? and the bowl is still completely green. Sometimes I HAVE to roll joints or a blunt, just so it will stay burning...hahaha

genetics play a major factor in the type of smoke but the true plant-to-plant effect is based on when you harvest...get a microscope, and you can harvest 2 of the same type of plant a few days apart, and you can see the difference yourself.

:weed:nice work!
-moose :leaf:


Active Member
It is a s stealthy as you can get.The 1000 watt hps was put in place,but the heat rose waaayyyyy to high.Cab is not set up for that kinda heat. will be selling the 1000 watt hps and probably get 1 or 2 150 watt hps's and use the tubes on the walls(gonna add 2 more 2'cfl's.)you can mount them from top to himilaya diesel was germed 1 day ago,4 out of 5 so far and 2 out of 4 mi5's .the soil used was course vermiculite and a bunch of lava rocks,real sweet set up for the roots.If u cut that container in half u'll see the different layers.Glad to hear about the future ladies.Also give 5-8 inches spacing,I don't know the branching on the BHD yet,so it's hard to say.The thought is 1 lady per sqf for regular plants,but you can put 4(1 at every corner of the fsqf) in a sqf for these particular trees.So my personal sea of green is 6 per sqf with 5 inch spacing and over a 2'x1 1/2 space.There were 12 in that tote,but 2 were bananas,no bueno(no good).wanted to keep and polinate,but then again,F-dat.Keep me posted and remember to go lite on the nutes after week 1.These are 9 to 10 week from seed, so , after 14 days sexing stars which means u need to be mixing veg and bloom together,so if 2 weeks to sexing,then you have 7 to 8 weeks left,so there is your feeding schedule. Good luck and keep me posted. can't wait to see how the BHD (blue himilaya diesel) comes out.we can match pictures to our own time tables and see how it works out.Let me know what nutes ur using and we can have a VS (versus) match/contest.Blue Himilaya Diesel Challenge.(Like my boy Mike McCarthy says,Are u ready,are u ready,Let's get it on.Tallest and biggest,frostiest,tastiest,etc,etc,etc(lol)buds match.can't match smoke though,it's not like u live down the block.
will post more pics as they come,peace out.


Active Member
It is a s stealthy as you can get.The 1000 watt hps was put in place,but the heat rose waaayyyyy to high.Cab is not set up for that kinda heat. will be selling the 1000 watt hps and probably get 1 or 2 150 watt hps's and use the tubes on the walls(gonna add 2 more 2'cfl's.)you can mount them from top to himilaya diesel was germed 1 day ago,4 out of 5 so far and 2 out of 4 mi5's .the soil used was course vermiculite and a bunch of lava rocks,real sweet set up for the roots.If u cut that container in half u'll see the different layers.Glad to hear about the future ladies.Also give 5-8 inches spacing,I don't know the branching on the BHD yet,so it's hard to say.The thought is 1 lady per sqf for regular plants,but you can put 4(1 at every corner of the fsqf) in a sqf for these particular trees.So my personal sea of green is 6 per sqf with 5 inch spacing and over a 2'x1 1/2 space.There were 12 in that tote,but 2 were bananas,no bueno(no good).wanted to keep and polinate,but then again,F-dat.Keep me posted and remember to go lite on the nutes after week 1.These are 9 to 10 week from seed, so , after 14 days sexing stars which means u need to be mixing veg and bloom together,so if 2 weeks to sexing,then you have 7 to 8 weeks left,so there is your feeding schedule. Good luck and keep me posted. can't wait to see how the BHD (blue himilaya diesel) comes out.we can match pictures to our own time tables and see how it works out.Let me know what nutes ur using and we can have a VS (versus) match/contest.Blue Himilaya Diesel Challenge.(Like my boy Mike McCarthy says,Are u ready,are u ready,Let's get it on.Tallest and biggest,frostiest,tastiest,etc,etc,etc(lol)buds match.can't match smoke though,it's not like u live down the block.
will post more pics as they come,peace out.
OK,here are a few more pics,getting close to D-day,I mean the day,yea haw.
more later,not enough time to download,sorry



Active Member
started a few newbies and going by the adv nutes calculator's seedling feeding,working a little better this time around,see earlier(first) pics.9 out of 9 popped,5 HBD and 4 MI5 1 more time,only this time me think they will be individually packaged.I saw a few flaws with the rubbermaid,but it is still cool bongsmilie .
the last pic is a phenom,so many shoots, wish she could have bred.She looks like a christmas tree in the pic.going out on a limb and saying 2 + OZs kiss-ass



Active Member
started a few newbies and going by the adv nutes calculator's seedling feeding,working a little better this time around,see earlier(first) pics.9 out of 9 popped,5 HBD and 4 MI5 1 more time,only this time me think they will be individually packaged.I saw a few flaws with the rubbermaid,but it is still cool bongsmilie .
the last pic is a phenom,so many shoots, wish she could have bred.She looks like a christmas tree in the pic.going out on a limb and saying 2 + OZs kiss-ass
Alrighty then,last time was 8 out of ten females,this time 5 out of 5 on the blue diesel and 4 out of 4 on the MI5 :clap: the stone cold nuts,read'em in weep,will post pics as they come,but they are already the 9 u see in the pics,they are going into week 4,showed sex 1 week ago on most,was treading water on the last two,was praying for a male to seed out and can't get him,all hers.