Autoflowering, best store bought soil/fert and other quest.


New Member
Ok so I'm going to ask a couple questions:

1: can I grow around this time of year?

2: What is the best store bought soil/fert for an auto flowering plant, also is there such thing as a soil and fert that you can use during the whole life span of the plant or do I need different ferts for each stage?

3: when I water the plant I have to add fert to the plant every time I water it, and how many times a week should I water it, ik about the "stick your finger to see if it's dry" but what I really want to know is how many times a week do I check on it to see if it needs water or not because I can't check on it everyday.

4: So I'm planning on growing my weed somewhere that no one goes to but like people are around, I'll be more specific, there's a truck yard to left and then to the right is like and abanded side of the place walled off, it's pretty big but people can see if I put it in the open, so there's this spot filled with tall bushy trees and a lot of stuff which u can't see through and it covers the top most part of this section which is around 150ft by 100ft. On the right side of the section I want to grow the weed in is like a walled off area which contains 2 buildings that are used for scrapping and other things, I never see anyone there except on the weekdays, the weekends there's no one there, in the weekdays there's still not many people there mainly inside of the garages, but that place is like 60ft away from where I'm going to grow it, they can't see it becuase of the large bushes and trees but then there is smell. Right behind that section where I want to grow are townhouses where I live. I can almost see the spot but it's pretty big so... going back to what I said in the beginning there's people around but no one ever goes there, it's pretty much a forgotten land. The route I take is pretty simple I go to the farthest wall next to persons house then I climb over and then there is another fence with like broken stuff on top and then like a 5 to 6ft drop and into where the people that do scrapping and stuff are, I go to this place to smoke but on weekends and it's closed so from sat to Sunday it's closed, but then during the weekdays I would have to wait after the place closes which a little later probably 8 pm then I go over a wall fence and then I'm in my spot. Any tips?

Also I live in Florida, Miami, and it rains quiet often.
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