autoflowering Haze 2.0 nutrients problem ?


ello ello,

After a sussesfull autogrow under a 400w, i decided to try some haze 2.0 with a 125w cfl light to save on costs.
It first started off a bit slow maybe because of the cold (my rooms not very warm), all was good intill she started to get (mg) deficency which was treated with some plant magic mange - cal+.
all was fine started to look fresh and heathly again, then things went worse, my p.h is about 6+. ive been doing some research and maybe it could be lack of phosphorus ? or should i put fresh water in there for a coupe of days and let it use up whats lock in the roots?



Well-Known Member
I don't the PH runoff of your plant so it could be nute lock. But - it's probably more like too much fertilizer that's causing the leaves to dry out at the tips and then die. I'd flush and for a couple cycles. What kind of soil?


Well-Known Member
transplant it into a bigger pot and ammend the new soil with some dolomite lime, this will fix any PH issues you may have. and you pot looks really small so it will solve 2 issues


hi thanks for the reply's, im not using soil mate, made a areoponics system, theres plenty of room for the roots.


Well-Known Member
yeah if your in hydro an PH is on the money (which if your growing hydro then you should have a good PH tester since it is THE most important part of growing hydro)

well you ahouldnt be having problems... PH is off


Hi thanks again, yeah im using a cheap budget ph tester, maybe the problem only never had a problem before using it but then it's a different strain. I'll buy a proper pen thing today and let it use up what's left and post the results

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
i dont believe its nute burn it doesnt look like it all your new growth looks fine no burnt just twisted soo i think you do have a ph issue now im not 100% sure about your form of hydroponics but most hydroponics run a 5.8 with the exception of hempy which likes a 6.1. now you dont want to aim for a perfect number but let the ph swing with 5.5-6.2 ish... you dont want to correct it 6 times a day just to get it to stay at 5.8. now if your doing a hydroponics you WILL need a good nute line. it needs to be a complete nute. now if your on a budget i would like to share what i just bought, i recenly bought (dyna gro) grow bloom and protekt you can buy it for $8 for 8 oz bottle it is 100% a complete nute 16 essentials with just one bottle not 6. it is super strong and 1 ml of grow is roughly 110 ppm/gallon. now there are many other great lines of nutes out there, just do lots of research and make sure a company is not trying to rip you off by selling you a watered down bottle thats not even a complete nute. dont look at the advertising of the bottle look at what it supply's to your plants and make sure your plants are getting what they need not urea nitrogen..


yo, After a painful day at work ive finally had time to do something.

right, bought a p.h pen today, tested and the p.h was 5.6, i think it was spot on just because i bought the pen lol.

here's a pic of what it looks like now.

so ive just changed the water and p.h'd it to 5.7 there's not nutrients in at the minute going to wait a day or two or should i put a little in there?

i dont think the nutrients im using are a problem their canna aqua A & B, i used this on my last auto grow and got 6oz :bigjoint:


keep it real.

Well-Known Member
i would feed her very very little cause that may not be your problem and can cause more damage, but you said the ph was correct so your problem could be that its hungry, it does look like phosphorus def just becareful add a weak strenght and see if her problem stops spreading.



so after a few weeks of testing and re-testing, things became better it was a ph problem and then me trying to compensate it by adding different nutes.

now the problems seems to becoming back but it a different way, im putting the p.h at around 5.3 5.6 atm because its holding it back.

im starting to think its diseased :(, maybe becuase its the roots system. Where the roots come out of the pot there green for about and inch, then a matted brown colour for about 2" then the rest are perfect about 75%?.
heres some pics.
1st pic is the is how its starting to the worst affected leaf

