autoflowering mix!


Active Member
hi iam pretty new to this site but since ive been on it i think its pretty awsome and helpfull ive been growing lowryder for 2 yrs now and love them there a fast and great tasting plant ill have some pics. of my 7 week old lowryder mix and my new auto ak47 hope you all like them and ill keep you updated on my new grow soon


Well-Known Member
Nice nice.. they really look big as shit for lowryder... im gonna invest in some to cut down on having two spaces one for veg and one for flowering. whats the longest youve had one that has taken to finish.. i hear 12 weeks is that true..?


Active Member
they are a little big for lowryder but ive had one grow over 3 feet
and the longest ive ever had one go for was about 10 and a half weeks
iam using a 1000 watt hps and a 400hps and been getting around 14 to 28 grams off each plant .


Active Member
here are some updated pics of my lowryder mix 8 weeks old tomorrow and the smaller ones are 3 week old autoflowering ak47 and autoflowering white russian.hopeing they turn out nice first time trying those ones :):leaf: smoke a tester bud today and had a smooth nice long lasting buzz like it a lot.



Active Member
Nice looking plants. I am starting a couple lowryder 2 in the next week or two and hope they turn out that nice. Do you mind sharing how tall they are at 8weeks?? when do you expect them to be ready and what kind of yield will u get??

Sorry for all the questions but I've never grown lowryder b4 and would love to know what to expect.

Thanks, and good luck, I'll be checking in


Active Member
they range in height from 18 inch to 3 feet they will be done in about a week or so they are 8 weeks old right now and it will range from 10 grams a plant to 30 grams thats what ive always get.